No, they tell you that you have been in contact with someone that HAS been confirmed to have CV-19 and you must get tested.
They send a link that pops up a very convincing HTTPS secure web-site with NHS logos etc. and ask for your address to send the test kit to and your card details incl. cvv.
This is run by one outfit that garners all the details then they sell the lists of successful phishing to 3rd parties to go use your details and buy stuff on your account.
If you block the card, they then call up and pretend to be your bank and offer to secure your money by moving it to a safe account in your name.

Evil twisted b'tards.
Such an apt description!
Evening folks:).

Well it’s still hot and really haven’t done much last couple of days, went to town yesterday and the car said 35:eek:.

We have had late afternoon showers last couple of days which is nice, but now the humidity has gone up:(.

Well another for the birdie peeps some more on their way for winter holibobs:)

View attachment 271779

Tastes as good as butter!!!!!;););)
As it says "garbage" they were from America.
"Pail" is Brit as far as i know.
"Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a PAIL of water" etc etc. Yup!
pail /peɪl/
Middle English: origin uncertain; compare with Old English pægel ‘gill, small measure’ and Old French paelle ‘pan, liquid measure, brazier’.
Blimey Stan, you could/should get a job as a teacher. :D
No, they tell you that you have been in contact with someone that HAS been confirmed to have CV-19 and you must get tested.
They send a link that pops up a very convincing HTTPS secure web-site with NHS logos etc. and ask for your address to send the test kit to and your card details incl. cvv.
This is run by one outfit that garners all the details then they sell the lists of successful phishing to 3rd parties to go use your details and buy stuff on your account.
If you block the card, they then call up and pretend to be your bank and offer to secure your money by moving it to a safe account in your name.

Evil twisted b'tards.
I second that definition!

This is why we always have a few test kits around. So far we've tested ourselves twice having been in contact with peeps who found out they had it. so if we got an email like that we'd test ourselves before doing anything.
But I can see how it would con people!!
not bin on tinternet for 2 evenings as we've had storms and lightning can feck our WiFi box and phone line.
Opened it to find a warning from Orange to "Disconnect your Livebox as you are in an area expecting storms"
dated/timed half an hour after they had started!!!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Had to keep jumping up and pressing the big white button and de-alarming the alarm, again!
Mind you, they are more accurate than Méteo France.:rolleyes:
So hope all are having a good time. It's been drizzling here a lot as we tend to be in the cloud base when the weather is like this. :(:(:(
As it says "garbage" they were from America.
"Pail" is Brit as far as i know.
"Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a PAIL of water" etc etc. Yup!
pail /peɪl/
Middle English: origin uncertain; compare with Old English pægel ‘gill, small measure’ and Old French paelle ‘pan, liquid measure, brazier’.

Is pail in common use any more? We has buckets.
Praps the merkins kept pail from the old English the Quakers used.
Been busy again today, cleaned off the front passenger side chassis outrigger and got a primer coat on. And got a second coat of paint on the rear step. Chequer plate for the step has arrived, now need to cut it to shape and drill some holes for fixings. Onwards and upwards-----
....that we were someway into cooking a Mooseaka, which is an infernal business, when W suddenly declared she was having an allergic issue.
Both her hand suddenly swelled up like gloves.
So into the cloakroom with her, washed hands then plastered them with Hydro-cortisone ointmink.
She hain't been able to do much with them since but is slowly going back to normal.
This normally only happens when she comes in contact with fish.
She had been in the spice and other stuff cupboard so we think she must have touched something our dottir in law, the Japanese one, had touched at least a year ago. As they do like their fish.
Bloody allergies. They really do stink!!!:mad::mad::mad:
@landowner was you building a little truck?

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