How can anyone tell you have the walrus through the pooter! and without a test? Are peeps really that thick?
Such cr@p!
No, they tell you that you have been in contact with someone that HAS been confirmed to have CV-19 and you must get tested.
They send a link that pops up a very convincing HTTPS secure web-site with NHS logos etc. and ask for your address to send the test kit to and your card details incl. cvv.
This is run by one outfit that garners all the details then they sell the lists of successful phishing to 3rd parties to go use your details and buy stuff on your account.
If you block the card, they then call up and pretend to be your bank and offer to secure your money by moving it to a safe account in your name.

Evil twisted b'tards.
As it says pail they were from america. Some funny names & pictures on swap cards
As it says "garbage" they were from America.
"Pail" is Brit as far as i know.
"Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a PAIL of water" etc etc. Yup!
pail /peɪl/
Middle English: origin uncertain; compare with Old English pægel ‘gill, small measure’ and Old French paelle ‘pan, liquid measure, brazier’.

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