Making brake pipes today, all done and ready for mot


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Just out of the pool and time for tea.
More hot days to come:).
M has just been sorting a couple of days in Prague later this month:).
She did mention a sexmachine museum and a torture museum not sure if it to get ideas:eek: , Best I be on my best behavior ;).


I had a quick look in the sex museum when I visited Prague a few years ago. Shocking experience :eek:
This machine was interesting though.


the wheel spins and had loads of rubber tongues on it which dip in the bowl on the way round. Not sure what pleasure a wimmins will get from that:confused:
Di you turn it clockwise or aunty-clockwise?
We have to get rid of em every now and then off our dogs.
Read recently that the only proper way to get rid of em is by using a sort of hook thing and twisitng it, as even with tweezers there is a risk of squeezing the blood back out of them and into the dog, or you, if it's on you. And that the Lymes disease etc comes when the tick delivers saliva into the wound. Which it normally don't do until it has satiated itself. Or if it is squeezed!
I allus used to put a drop or two of white spirit on it to make it give up its grip but that too is frowned upon now!
Every day is a school day.:rolleyes:

Turn em aunty clockwise trick is just to hold em gently & pull n twist, I coodney find ma tick hook.
Got the little fecker all his legs wiggling help help nope feckn splat good nite ye dirdy little bastid.

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