Eye has bin picking perennial flowers to grow because they will look nice and attrack bee's and naychair. Bee's av bin visiting me lupins. At first eye fort the flower bit were too young as the bee's landed on them and looked to be trying to open them up but failing. They sometimes struggle if the winds blowing me lupin about. If yer hold the lupin still the bee's land betterer and dun't fall oft. It was at this point eye realised the bee's were humping me lupin petals. Looked on youtoob fer bee's on lupins and it looks like they land on the petals, then push down to reveal a spike that looks like a cat's claw wiv a black end. They rub their tummy on this. Then fly to the next one.
Eye has just measured my cutter and it's 2.5m. Eye will havva go at making me own extension pole ferrit. The frogs right. Tis a lorra sovs.

In uvva news eye took ma hippo to the mot place and they have stopped doing em. They're sticking to the repair wuk they do. They sent me to anuvva mot'er wiv a simular setup ov old peeps doing an honest job un he passed. Went on the oft chance ov it being done and they had an available slot. Eye fink he was a bit nervous ov going up on the lift as he did a piddle ont floor.

Apparently this is becoming an attraction on the Grand Union Canal.
No parking restrictions apply apparently. ;)

Quite quiet on here today!
Had our friends round for lunch, had a lovely time.
Did feck all else.
Now sitting outside in just shorts, listening to the cicadas while typing to you lot.
27.7 inside the house, in the hall which is cool. Yet surprisingly it doesn't feel that warm. Surprising cos i never thought I could get acclimatised to such heat!
Better lock the hens up and get to bed.
Sleep tite you lot!!

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