Low paying pensions? Retired peeps so state pension too? I would like to think this is where the social safety net comes in.

None of our rents have gone up, maybe need to look at that, maybe missing out;)

As for the oil companies profits yes I can see that argument. But …… you knew it was coming;).
Don’t many pension funds rely on big companies making money? So rock and hard place really.

Not going to be an easy few years for sure. If it’s pensioners struggling they need help I have no issue, if it’s youngsters complaining then they need to get on with life and learn to sacrifice.

perhaps cut out the Coca Cola would help too:rolleyes:.

I quite agree that the "I want it all...NOW!" generation are due a "rude awakening" :)

I expect there to be a lot of Repo's of small Audi's & Beemers in the coming year.

I know of a teacher (Art Teacher) who is struggling because after all of her expenses and rent she has about £50 a week to live on, and she's struggling to see the reason for existing like that.
Lives with her brother who is also having to live on credit and service debt because the outgoing are almost as much as the incomings.

We had it tough (bought this house (signed on black wednesday, the day the mortgage rate jumped by 5% in one morning) I wanted to jump out of the office window. LOL.
Obviously needs using more. Lovely looking cars:).

When we looked at a car to keep/store in the UK for our visits, that was on the list:D. Ended up with another P38;).

Used it for nieces wedding and the fan broke up :rolleyes:
Better off with the P38 :)
Why is it not uniform across the country?
Shell is asking £1.89 a litre here, sounds like a hate-crime to me. We need to get the "Woke-Police" involved. ;)
Price depends on location. Also when they buy their fool and how much they have in their tank. The more they have, the longer it takes to shift. So price can stay higher a bit longer until they next buy at the lower rate. There wassa program ont radio about the costs of running a fool station and how they pick the sell price. 1.89.somefink at bp yesdi. Eye drove frew and left assa protest.
Finking back we've had loads of fool stations close over the years. Seemed to start when supermarkets opened their own. Not always cheaper but often convenient or using a loyalty scheme connected to yer choppin. Bastids.

Bit like hospitals I suppose. All the little ones shut down so now got to drive to get what you need. There was a while when we had zero filling stations (in a town of 10000) and you literally had to drive to the next town to either Tesco or the Texaco
Price depends on location. Also when they buy their fool and how much they have in their tank. The more they have, the longer it takes to shift. So price can stay higher a bit longer until they next buy at the lower rate. There wassa program ont radio about the costs of running a fool station and how they pick the sell price. 1.89.somefink at bp yesdi. Eye drove frew and left assa protest.
There are several fool stations near where we live.(uk) The closer they are to the centre of a town or village the higher it is. It is absolutely blatant. And this goes for supermarkets too. Frinstance, Tesco in the centre of Ferndown is always a few pence higher than Sainsburys just on the outskirts.

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