
This is the jeep equivalent of one life live it stickers:p:p

Eye fink yer gerrin me mixed up wiv @Marmaduke. E's the j**p owner.
No, the potato baker is different in as much as it is NOT glazed. The steam that is built up by the baking potatoes impregnates the clay pot and this causes the potatoes skins to singe ( or burn if you have a higher heat) whilst the inside of the spud cooks to a fluffy, scrummy cooked delight. :)

We had baked tatties oot the fire pit last night they were fab with the burn skin. :D
All glory to our wonderful Lionesses.
I've seen some of the most honest, straight, professional and enjoyable football I've seen in a very long time over this competition.
Took a group of committed women to do what a parcel of overpaid, indulged, self absorbed boys couldn't achieve in over fifty years.
And they bloody loved every minute of it!
Absolute joy. Well done indeed! :)

Who ??
The hedging argument was quite amusing so much I had to walk away lol, one lady says she
owns 4 feet of the other ladys garden as she owns the whole hedge (not) haha
The feckn thing was 15 foot tall & blocking the sunlight into the neebs garden so I ended up
chopping it down to 6ft, they hedge trimmers are a bit shite aint they.:mad: I ending up getting one
of my chainsaws oot & savaged it, the 3ft bar was a bit much to hold & stand on a alloy stool. o_O

Half way through the chopping the relation of the one who owns the hedge asked me if I was doing the
whole garden :eek: Feck right off no chance o_O It would take all week, talk aboot taking the pishhh aye
no bother love I'll spend my time & fuel to do yous a favour. :rolleyes:

Tools away today sunbathed & cleaned my Motor.

Cheers All tis Rum time :D
The hedging argument was quite amusing so much I had to walk away lol, one lady says she
owns 4 feet of the other ladys garden as she owns the whole hedge (not) haha
The feckn thing was 15 foot tall & blocking the sunlight into the neebs garden so I ended up
chopping it down to 6ft, they hedge trimmers are a bit shite aint they.:mad: I ending up getting one
of my chainsaws oot & savaged it, the 3ft bar was a bit much to hold & stand on a alloy stool. o_O

Half way through the chopping the relation of the one who owns the hedge asked me if I was doing the
whole garden :eek: Feck right off no chance o_O It would take all week, talk aboot taking the pishhh aye
no bother love I'll spend my time & fuel to do yous a favour. :rolleyes:

Tools away today sunbathed & cleaned my Motor.

Cheers All tis Rum time :D

Will it look bald till next year tho ?
The nest is likely to be underground. Need to destroy that. Nuffink has wurked for me. Jays fluid. Fick bleach. Little sods still appear back after a month. Eye lift me drive bricks and mash up the nest eggs at the same time. Mix killer in wiv them anorl.

Yer need to watch where they is coming from. They wont walk over a bead of fock bleach. Well mine dunt. That can help to see where they is travelling.
We have a lot of ants here as it's very sandy soil, like where I grew up, lots of ant problems there too. The only thing I have found to work every time apart from possibly moving in a family of aardvarks, are the little round, plastic baited traps. Rentokil do them but I have also used cheaper versions to the same effect. Some of them have honey in, or similar, you peel off the little flap on top of the hole of the disc and put it where you see the ants. They nip in there and take the poison back to their nests. It takes 2 or 3 days for them to all die off. Turbs recently used one on his boat as everything else had failed. I assume you would need one per nest. :)
We have a lot of ants here as it's very sandy soil, like where I grew up, lots of ant problems there too. The only thing I have found to work every time apart from possibly moving in a family of aardvarks, are the little round, plastic baited traps. Rentokil do them but I have also used cheaper versions to the same effect. Some of them have honey in, or similar, you peel off the little flap on top of the hole of the disc and put it where you see the ants. They nip in there and take the poison back to their nests. It takes 2 or 3 days for them to all die off. Turbs recently used one on his boat as everything else had failed. I assume you would need one per nest. :)
A pet ardvark. Fantastic idea. We gottied bait traps at work. Eye will pinch some. Ta.

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