So the terrorist came back with a friend yesterday and seemed shocked when his friend didn’t want to play anymore, and we told him what a good cat he was:).


All glory to our wonderful Lionesses.
I've seen some of the most honest, straight, professional and enjoyable football I've seen in a very long time over this competition.
Took a group of committed women to do what a parcel of overpaid, indulged, self absorbed boys couldn't achieve in over fifty years.
And they bloody loved every minute of it!
Absolute joy. Well done indeed! :)
Anybody got a good homemade recipe for killing ants that you cannot find the nest for?
Wifey has ants in her poly tunnel and is despairing of the damage they are doing. We absolutely cannot find the nest ans she has sprinkled ant powder every where, that I can see, is likely.
We are going to make up a mix of water, oil washing up liquid and peppermint essence. But are open to any and all suggestions.
Thanks in advance.
The nest is likely to be underground. Need to destroy that. Nuffink has wurked for me. Jays fluid. Fick bleach. Little sods still appear back after a month. Eye lift me drive bricks and mash up the nest eggs at the same time. Mix killer in wiv them anorl.

Yer need to watch where they is coming from. They wont walk over a bead of fock bleach. Well mine dunt. That can help to see where they is travelling.
Me word for today is dichotomy. Eye is strugglin wiv this one.

Now the dictionary ses "a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different."

So that means two peeps discussing an engineering problem, who dissagree about the cause of said problem, are said to have a dichotomy?

So that would nean there's a dichotomy between said peeps?

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