Abdominal Aortic Anerysm :(
"Thumper" has grown quite bit since last year :( (by 0.4cm) and I am heading towards the "Danger Zone" so I suspect they will be scanning more frequently from now on.

C'est-La-Vie. :)
Oh yeah!
Forgot that!
forgive my little jokeule!
Do hope they sort it, apparently it isn't a big op, if you do have to have it.
Best of luck mate!:):):)
Morning all, enjoy the heatwave!
"enjoy" and "heatwave" do not go together in my book. :(
Sweltering over here, struggling to keep hydrated and have to sleep with the fan on.
And to top it off pool not quite ready yet, had too much else to do, and didn't do it when it was cold cos that would have been silly wouldn't it!:rolleyes:
Having to wear work-boots, socks, work-trousers, a shirt, a mask and a bandanna while working in the sun is no fun. Even if I get up early I can't start trying to cut the weeds until the sun is on them to take the dew off them.
Still shopping/market day today so not bothering.
Think I'll pay someone with a really huge machine to do this in future.;)
Have a nice day folks!
Morning All :D
It will be another scorcher today! :)
All the really heavy work is done now, we just need to anchor the top sleepers onto the bottom ones with 10" timberlock screws. :)
Then we will see about replacing the old love-seat arbour and making another wood store there. :)
Only other jobs for Thomas are a tap-set to be fitted in the bathroom and some caulking in the mini-barn.
Have a lovely day. :D
Afternoon folks:).

Well went and ripped out the old front door frame as the UPVC fitters coming today for friends house.
Cut the grass, That was a good enough workout;). Hopefully it will turn yellow soon so no more cuts for the rest of the summer:D we will see.
Took the lid of the pool and checked, all good gonna be in it later its 2pm here now and hot out there and the pool is a refreshing 28:D.

Hope everybody in the UK is not suffering the heat, and please don't complain yours wont last:p.

Well today has gone very well so far.:):)
Hot as anything. 26 degs C in the house on arising, now at 28 odd, and that is in the downstairs hall, the coolest part of the place. :eek:
Went to t'market and shopped then to Leclerc then to see our Dutch friends who have finally more or less moved all their stuff into their noo abode. Nice to see them settling in.;)
Then back home for a big drink and a read of the paper.
Then to the pool which I cleaned, well the bottom and most of the side bit, watter at 25 degs so a lovely swim, two 25 kg bags of salt in and let it run for 24 hrs. :):)
The stuff we put into a trial patch of slabs to joint them, as per advice on 'ere has gone off boootiful so W is very happy. :):):):):):)
We'll be going like stink to get it all done afore the weekend, or Sunday, and I think we'll invite said Dutchies to a barbie and pool do, cos they miss the pool they used to have.:):):)
Have a good evening folks!
Overdone it...AGAIN! :(
Lifted summat wayyyyy too heavy and now my body is letting me know all about it. :(
Wife is very un-amused with me. I'm feeling a bit silly because I need my knee/hip to be ok for Holland next week and I have just buggered them both.
Taken lots of anti-inflammatory pills and will bathe in Voltarol later. :)
I have 4 days to recover. :)
Overdone it...AGAIN! :(
Lifted summat wayyyyy too heavy and now my body is letting me know all about it. :(
Wife is very un-amused with me. I'm feeling a bit silly because I need my knee/hip to be ok for Holland next week and I have just buggered them both.
Taken lots of anti-inflammatory pills and will bathe in Voltarol later. :)
I have 4 days to recover. :)
I can't like that Dan, take care my friend and try and get back on form for Holland.
Today we finished the sleeper wall at the front of the property and then knocked down an old love-seat arbour and started building a wood-store. It is built from timbers left over from earlier jobs and new elements. 1 more side-wall tomorrow and a pent roof on it.

Absolutely knackered I am. :(
Overdone it...AGAIN! :(
Lifted summat wayyyyy too heavy and now my body is letting me know all about it. :(
Wife is very un-amused with me.
I have 4 days to recover. :)

Dan why do you do it?

I am not surprised wifey is not amused.
I got told over the phone tonight to make sure I don’t over do it:rolleyes:.

Hope you lay off the hard labour for a few days so you are ok for your #danclarketour:D.

Dan why do you do it?

I am not surprised wifey is not amused.
I got told over the phone tonight to make sure I don’t over do it:rolleyes:.

Hope you lay off the hard labour for a few days so you are ok for your #danclarketour:D.

TBH I think its a holdover from me being young, fit and indestructible. Somewhere in my mind I think I still am. ;)
I am going to go easy tomorrow for sure. :)
Overdone it...AGAIN! :(
Lifted summat wayyyyy too heavy and now my body is letting me know all about it. :(
Wife is very un-amused with me. I'm feeling a bit silly because I need my knee/hip to be ok for Holland next week and I have just buggered them both.
Taken lots of anti-inflammatory pills and will bathe in Voltarol later. :)
I have 4 days to recover. :)
Only liking this cos it's the roolz.
Oh what a silly Billy you are.:(:(:(:(
Seriously hope you take it exceptionally easy between now and then.;)

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