Makes the €350 I just paid for our dogs dentition, which involved plastic surgery, seem like chicken feed!your wallet is gonna need the anaesthetic
Makes you wish you could go to a Vet for your teef!
Makes the €350 I just paid for our dogs dentition, which involved plastic surgery, seem like chicken feed!your wallet is gonna need the anaesthetic
Glad to hear he is back with you!Morning all ...
Lad rolled in from hospital at 01:00 ...
Wish we could get that here in France. Every time we come over there are weeds all over the area around our pool growing in the tiny cracks around the slabs. Takes us a 2 or 3 days to weed it each time. Wifey is currently about half way through it after spending two afternoons on it!Went to edgar's omebase yesdi. Got me compost. 100L bags instead of 120. Still 3 for 30 sovs but this time took oft 20% before the 3 for discount discount. So gorrum anuvva 2 sovs cheaper.
Was looking on youtoob at peeps fillin block paving wiv kiln dried sand. After a bit ov lookin about and finkin of doing the same eye searched to see if yer can mix in dry seament anorl to make it go ard. A hole whurl of joy appeared before me. Turns oot yer can buy fings like jointing compounds and polymetric sand, that go ard. Some have weed killer in anorl. Betterer still yer can buy it in wix and screwdfix. So eye will be looking into that some more. Wix call it no grow jointing sand. Fink its the same fing but not sure iffit sets ard.
Yawn! footie! Yawn!Still super hot here in sub tropical wimblowdriver holiday land. Multiple pints drinked this afternoon. Pizza in the oven. Another evening of 22 men kicking a pigs bladder (synthetic leather ball Stanley) around some grass
Hope the telly box behaves this time.
Wish we could get that here in France. Every time we come over there are weeds all over the area around our pool growing in the tiny cracks around the slabs. Takes us a 2 or 3 days to weed it each time. Wifey is currently about half way through it after spending two afternoons on it!
Lovely! Don't forget to go to access height forthem to get in/out.Morning, off to see my folks shortly, going to try and take them out for lunch in the P38!
It's a show vikkul. Designed to be eye catching.Who would have thought it, you can actually make a Freelander look even more awful![]()