Went to edgar's omebase yesdi. Got me compost. 100L bags instead of 120. Still 3 for 30 sovs but this time took oft 20% before the 3 for discount discount. So gorrum anuvva 2 sovs cheaper.

Was looking on youtoob at peeps fillin block paving wiv kiln dried sand. After a bit ov lookin about and finkin of doing the same eye searched to see if yer can mix in dry seament anorl to make it go ard. A hole whurl of joy appeared before me. Turns oot yer can buy fings like jointing compounds and polymetric sand, that go ard. Some have weed killer in anorl. Betterer still yer can buy it in wix and screwdfix. So eye will be looking into that some more. Wix call it no grow jointing sand. Fink its the same fing but not sure iffit sets ard.
Wish we could get that here in France. Every time we come over there are weeds all over the area around our pool growing in the tiny cracks around the slabs. Takes us a 2 or 3 days to weed it each time. Wifey is currently about half way through it after spending two afternoons on it!
Still super hot here in sub tropical wimblowdriver holiday land. Multiple pints drinked this afternoon. Pizza in the oven. Another evening of 22 men kicking a pigs bladder (synthetic leather ball Stanley) around some grass
Hope the telly box behaves this time.
Yawn! footie! Yawn!
Are you talking to me or the dead Stanley Matthews!!!?????;););););););)
So today got up a bit later as yessdi the doggie came back from the vets with a lot of work having been done. she showed me the three teeth they removed. One Canine, that we knew about another smaller one and a tiny one. the hole the big-un came out of was too big to simply stitch together, so they had to "borrow" a bit of gum from elsewhere to graft into place. She is an old dog but we still had a chat about what to do to help dogs with their teeth as we still have two others. Turns out Dentastix are a joke. she did say to me "How long do they take to eat them?" answer "About 5 seconds" which elicited a look that said, "Quite!" So we discussed other longer lasting chews especially designed to do the same job but properly. She can start on them after 10 days. The others' teeth are good but chews are cheaper than ultrasound cleaning!
Just like yesterday we both only got out working at about 12 midday which is crazy as the heat only builds up. Midday by the sun arrives at about 1.30 and it just gets hotter after that. Nevertheless for the past two days we've been working in it. I have been cutting the brush on the piece of land we don't even use. It is only by doing this I have really come to terms with how stupid it is to to hang on to a huge piece of land we just don't use. The ferns around the edge are at head height for F's sake!! and i say "the edge" loosely. they in fact fringe the land to a depth of about 6 metres. The rest is a mix of wild grasses, and brambles. Once I have cut it all back I'll measure it and we'll put it on the market.
Put it this way, I normally do nearly no physical exercise whatsoever so after each session of this my heart rate is well high and my chest is tight. To say nothing of my core body temp being ridiculously high. I am sure that it is doing me good, in the long run.
so we have resolved that as of Monday we will get up at really stupid O'clock, work till lunchtime then pack it in for the day. As we did when putting up the poly tunnel.
Mind you I did spend a long time cleaning the blade of my combined brush cutter/mulcher then sharpening it with my angle grinder. Not that it seemed to make an enormous difference!:(
Nighty night folks!
Wish we could get that here in France. Every time we come over there are weeds all over the area around our pool growing in the tiny cracks around the slabs. Takes us a 2 or 3 days to weed it each time. Wifey is currently about half way through it after spending two afternoons on it!

Is it not worth sweeping builders sand in, it has a lot of salt in it so weed dunt like it ...
Pulled some more weeds oot me drive last nite. And dug some oot the front garden. Lots more to do. Trying to pull the roots oot this time.

Me nettle patch ain't growing back so pulling the roots oot of that was the rite fing to do. Will continue wiv the rest ovvit when eye can be bovvurd.

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