Just back from A & E, left number one son there ...

he has sliced his finger open across the third and second right pinkie finger phalanges ...

he came down to ask if I could put a plaster on it ...

washed it out, saw the tendon and bone and said nope that needs stitches ...

Friday night is never a good time ... 3 hrs wait so the board said ...

We got there at 21:30 ... I've come home because I'm at Dads at 05:30 and I'm knackered now ...

Saw some guy dressed as a pirate tho so the Docs are being entertained ...

Bloody hell Dips, you do go through it don't you? Hope the son is all fixed up, make sure he don't pick the scab :)
Was finking of making meself some more saw horses that hinge at the top so they fold out, so eye can make a table by using two, for use at home. Would be nice to wuk oft a table instead of the floor. Then eye fort eye could hinge a sheet of wood to fold up oft the garage wall to make a table that folds away. Then eye seen a contractor at wuk use some fink like this. Now they have popped up in an enail advertising fing. Fold up saw horses. Wot does yer fink of them?

Wot? No pictures? :cool:

I cut my thumb through to the tendon one day, fitting a towbar. Of course I had to finish the install before I drove in to get it looked at ;) I did the sensible thing though. Tied a rag around it and wrapped it in insulation tape o_O

I can post a piccie :D

I grabbed an eye pad out of the first aid kit as I knew we'd be a while before seen, and the bleeding had stopped after a couple of hours so that did well ...
Was finking of making meself some more saw horses that hinge at the top so they fold out, so eye can make a table by using two, for use at home. Would be nice to wuk oft a table instead of the floor. Then eye fort eye could hinge a sheet of wood to fold up oft the garage wall to make a table that folds away. Then eye seen a contractor at wuk use some fink like this. Now they have popped up in an enail advertising fing. Fold up saw horses. Wot does yer fink of them?


I likes the adjustable feet, very andy .......
Morning all, looking good out there.
@Dippypud glad he is ok, hope your dad is getting on ok too.

Boy is fine, they've super glooped it and strapped two fingers together to stop him being silly with it ...

Dad is terrific, he had his blood test results back from his anti-coagulation test, all super, no anaemia and kidney function normal, all in all not bad for 92 ..
Boy is fine, they've super glooped it and strapped two fingers together to stop him being silly with it ...

Dad is terrific, he had his blood test results back from his anti-coagulation test, all super, no anaemia and kidney function normal, all in all not bad for 92 ..
That really is good news!! My dad is 91 and slowly losing the battle to dementia but otherwise fairly healthy.
Went to edgar's omebase yesdi. Got me compost. 100L bags instead of 120. Still 3 for 30 sovs but this time took oft 20% before the 3 for discount discount. So gorrum anuvva 2 sovs cheaper.

Was looking on youtoob at peeps fillin block paving wiv kiln dried sand. After a bit ov lookin about and finkin of doing the same eye searched to see if yer can mix in dry seament anorl to make it go ard. A hole whurl of joy appeared before me. Turns oot yer can buy fings like jointing compounds and polymetric sand, that go ard. Some have weed killer in anorl. Betterer still yer can buy it in wix and screwdfix. So eye will be looking into that some more. Wix call it no grow jointing sand. Fink its the same fing but not sure iffit sets ard.
People today really get my goat. :mad:
Some little scrote could not be bothered to take their empty "Strawberry Infused Cider" bottle home as they staggered back from the pub last night so they just dropped & smashed it on my dropped curb and went on their way.
No thought to what the damage the broken glass might do to a night-time dog-walker's pet or potentially to our vehicle tyres.
Of course I swept it all up etc. etc. but that is not the point, is it? :mad::mad::mad:
Bin to wix. Couldn't find the 3 sor orses int stock. Shop peep found em in the clearance section. 75 sovs. 85 int toolstation. Eye gottid the toughbuilt c550. 2 in a pack. Some chops sellem as singles.

Went to my omebase. Looked at the plants and took pic's of the lables so eye can look em up ont web to find oot about them. If ok eye will fink about buying them. The replacement watta can rose had oles which were too big so eye bortid a dark green watta can wiv smaller oles. To be used on flowers only as ocasionally it will av plant food innit. Need smaller oles as the one eye has knocks over plants because its too forceful because ov big oles. Me light green one will be fer clean watta only like burd baff fillin. Eye also bortid a red one fer chemiculs like weed killer. Gottid me martow plant some liquid food anorl. All in sale wiv 20% oft. Sale ends sunday.

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