I suppose you are now going to say something is strange about a bearded man delivering presents:rolleyes:. Your such a party pooper sometimes:D.

Paddington was a teleportid hollergram, as he ain't had all his jabs. He did social distance across the table. Gorra have yer jabs to vissit the queen.

That fella's real. Got me a bike and lego when eye was little. And a landrover when eye were biggerer. Wot more proof does one need.
.... the phishing scammers called today.

As I said earlier I foolishly got caught in a "Covid PCR Test" phishing scam but realised in time and contacted my bank and stopped the card concerned.
Today I get a text allegedly from my bank alerting me to "suspicious activity on my account and that my card is now blocked". But I had it blocked 36 hours ago. Text also says a rep from the bank will contact me.
Just had a call on my mobile allegedly from the bank.
Man starts by telling me a bloke called "Mohammed" has tried to use my card, do I know a Mohammed?
I say no, and he says well we will need to sort some stuff out on your accounts to protect you.
Ahhh says I, but when I spoke to the bank fraud team they said it was likely that the fraudsters would contact me to "help me", and I don't know who you are other than you have just called me out of the blue.
At this point the conversation turns sinister and I am called "Clever C-word" and a lot of other "not-nice" names and threatened that as they have my address they will come and rob me at some point in the future and "my bad boys will visit you and take everything you have." The police have been alerted and I have a crime number.
Keep on your toes folks. Be safe. :D
Sh!t, that cannot have been pleasant.:(:(:(
Still at least it shows that you got back at them.;);)
Dads carers did their 'late' call at 17:00hrs fitted his catheter night bag, capacity 2 litres, and went, he took himself off to bed at 20:00hrs having looked at his bag and thought 'don't need to empty that' ...

I get there at 05:45 and find that the lever tap on the bottom of the bag was left open and the front room and his bedroom smell like the bogs a Glastonbury ...
Oh no, poor you and poor him.:(:(:(
And for the rest of the day I was drilling a snapped bolt out of the cylinder head, only a dipstick tube support, but with no bolt the tube got loose and oil dribbled from the sump hole ...

All went swimmingly until I made a mistake putting the slam panel back in and buggered up the bonnet release and then shut it without checking cause I was in a hurry to pop back to Dads ...

Ended up having to smash the plastic grill up to release the damn thing, waiting today for the scrappy to open ...

If they have one ... :rolleyes:
Oh dear. Not funny.:(
Managed to squeeze in a visit to a mate with a Disco 4 before coming back to Fr. He bought his with one of the two bonnet catches not releasing. No one, not even a LR stealer wanted to touch it. In the end he took it to a LR indy that we both know but that I would never go back to. They got it undone but he "had to " replace a headlight (ouch) and he isn't convinced that they didn't bust it in the process. They also gave him an MOT.
£800. SH!T!
So really feel your pain and hope it don't turn out as expensive as that.:(
Finished me planting fer today. Just startid lite rain anorl. Me plants be gerrin their fust taste of fresh rain watta. Sunshine morra.

Omebase 20% sale is still on. Eye is gunner wotch oot fer this int future. Ah would have saved more on the 6 bags ov compost eye bortid. And me rasberry un martow plant.
Online finally back in our place in Frogland.
Ferry landed at 2130 and we got orf, let the dogs out and feeded them, then set of to drive through the night.
I'd got a good few hours kip in on the ferry, the cabin was nice and dark, and quiet.
So apart from another stop for the dogs and for W to pee, went all the way home in one go, arrived at about 1030.
The Disco behaved from the cooling point of view, didn't lose a drop.
But, and it is a huge BUT, I fink the torque converter is well on its last legs.
There are some steep hills around the Massif Central, Limoges etc and the high temp light for the auto box came on a couple of times. Luckily it was at night and although not cool, not too warm. and it was raining a lot which would have helped it to cool the ATF.
But by the time the sun was up and we were off the autoroute and on the equivalent of an A road, having to drive through villages and small towns, the torque converter needed to be spun up like mad before it would get the rig going off the starting blocks every time we had to stop at lights or a roundabout.:(
And the lickle red light kept saying hello.
Once we got to Mazamet and faced the steep drive to the village, 360 metres up in about 10 minutes, i debated dropping the Pluriel off the trailer and letting W drive it up while I just towed the trailer. But I just put it in low range and went all the way up with the red light on. Not good.
So we arrived Friday a.m. and I haven't had the urge to even start it and move it. But at least we can run about in Wifey's car.
And today just noticed that the top of the offside rear light cluster has been hit by something. Small hole and big cracks which I just sellotaped over. Don't think it can have been a stone. No idea when or where it happened.:mad:
I hain't been on here until tonight as when we returned we found out that the internet was still down, so that was 17 days past. The guys came and fixed it today. (Overhead wire rubbed through against branches).Then as soon as they'd gone, thunderstorm, so I had to switch it off again!:(
so life returns to near normal except I am going to have to do some thinking about what to do about her Maj the Disco.:(:(:(
More annoying as it was only last winter i paid out over a grand to just get the ffing thing taken off, a gasket replaced, the bolts all tightened back up again and it put back on.
TBH, it's been a bit slow off the mark for a while now, but towing has really brought it to the forefront.
Guess I'll be doing some research.
Hope you all enjoyed the Jubbly. We caught most of the Trooping of the Colour(s?) before leaving.
Haven't the heart to take a pic of the rig, but no complaints about the trailer. It does exactly what it says on the tin. Paid more for it than I usually pay for a car.:rolleyes:. Cost more than either the car riding on it or the car towing it!!!
Anyways, nice to catch up and enjoy your holibobs or whatever you are all doing!!
Bit flummoxed now.:rolleyes:
Have just done a stall test on the Disco's gearbox etc and all is spot on where it should be. and she is flying like a bird, the injectors having been given a good clean out by 550 miles of towing.:)
So overall feeling a bit better, just wondering where to go next.:(
Beginning to think I have never towed such a weight with this Disco before and, all the others, i.e. heavy tows, having been with my 300tdi manual, am beginning to wonder what "normal" is.:rolleyes:
Also whether the sender for the ATF temp isn't out, as I have heard they can be prone to this.;)
Afternoon folks:).

So have wrestled with the concrete pump truck hose and sloshed 9cube into some semblance of level;), Just need to wait and check levels, may need to chuck some self leveling at it but not really an issue as its going to be battened with insulation then floor boards:).
I couldn't find me wellies so a couple of carrier bags and some gaffa tape was up for duty:D. I can say that the quality of Lidl bags is not up to snuff;).
So that was a workout:). Wasn't allowed in the house till I had washed off the tools and 1 foot/leg:p.
Then had a shower before I set with all the splash's, Was looking forward to a swim but the rain has come in, the rain seems to be late usually April/May but now early June, think I noted the same last year;).

Anyway we are all off to a light show somewhere far enough to have another hotel night away:), Being retyred is so boring sometimes:rolleyes:.

Got to think of what to do on the list when we get back on Thursday, I vote for a day off:p. I might give an ML270 a blast up the road just for fun:) Would be interesting to see the difference I notice between that and the RRs;).


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