I've just been out and picked up the rubbish in the street, something I do periodically, even though the good citizens of Leicester are experts at creating more. A car pulled up and a man shouted 'Oi, are you picking up rubbish?' 'Yes' I said - I could hardly deny it as I was just straightening up from having picked up a selection of condom packaging and face masks, even though he sounded a bit aggressive. 'I'm sorry mate, I've just dropped that out of the car' he said, pointing at a tissue on the pavement. 'I dunno what came over me, I hate littering normally.' That was interesting - it sounded like he'd just chucked his rubbish out of the window, and then seeing me clearing up, had a change of heart. I wonder if he'll be a reformed character in future and stop throwing his refuse out of the car? It's impressive what a difference you can make just doing simple stuff.

I do the same in our local park. The little scrotes round my way aren't Greta Thunberg fans for sure, they couldn't give a ferk about the environment :oops:

Having been involved quite a bit in activities such as community arts projects and various sorts of community living experiments over the years, you sometimes find that the people who camp on the moral high ground where environmental issues are concerned make just as much mess as the rest of us, if not more. I know this because I've cleared it up. Granted, some of the cans and bottles are from artisan beers and wines rather than Stella and White Lightning, but it's pretty much the same. Join Extinction Rebellion and the world's your ashtray.

I've just been out and picked up the rubbish in the street, something I do periodically, even though the good citizens of Leicester are experts at creating more. A car pulled up and a man shouted 'Oi, are you picking up rubbish?' 'Yes' I said - I could hardly deny it as I was just straightening up from having picked up a selection of condom packaging and face masks, even though he sounded a bit aggressive. 'I'm sorry mate, I've just dropped that out of the car' he said, pointing at a tissue on the pavement. 'I dunno what came over me, I hate littering normally.' That was interesting - it sounded like he'd just chucked his rubbish out of the window, and then seeing me clearing up, had a change of heart. I wonder if he'll be a reformed character in future and stop throwing his refuse out of the car? It's impressive what a difference you can make just doing simple stuff.
I was once leaning on my car at a petrol station watching a bloke happily opening a packet of fags, throwing the cellophane wrapper and the silver foil out of the window of his car. He smiled at me and said "all right mate?" to which I said "Yep, just watching you littering the place!" Obvs his face changed and the F off etc came out the scrote's gob.
Thought later I should just have picked it up and thrown it into the back of his car saying, "I think you left this behind, mate."
I'm plagued by spiders, can't get rid of em.. the ones with really long, skinny legs

Dad has those, little buggers, mind you he's also got a really big fat one lives in the bedroom airbrick ...

Had babies last year ...

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