Eye has bin looking oot fer more orange pots but sainsberrys has only gottid ones where they mixed orange wiv grey plastic. So eye went to anuvva sainsberrys and they had none. Went to anuvva un the same. Was going ome and fort ov anuvva one on tuvva side ov me cassul. Stopped at mine on the way just in case un found 10 more ov da right colour. Eye is now finkin ov changing me food choppin day as monday be bad if they hassa busy weekend un dunt re stock everyfink before eye gets there after wuk.

I hit a dog on the way home just now ...

She'd slipped her lead and ran out from behind a small parked van ...

I saw a blur of tan and white, swerved right, no oncoming traffic, braked and heard a yelp ...

She ran down the road a few yards and hid in a front garden, the owners are taking her to the vet now ...

I'm in bits ...
Sorry to hear it, it really isn't your fault and you know it. I hope the dog recovers and you do too.
Eye went to edgar's omebase yesdi. Looked at the plants. Found a poorly lookin baby martow plant fer 12.5 sovs discountid to 5 sovs. Felt sorry ferrit and bort it. Fell over in the car on the way ome despite wedging it in ter stay up. One can only fink it got dizzy cuz it int used ter travelling in freelander luxury int whurls bestest 4x4. Eye has fed it wiv some miracul grow un watta. It already has baby martows onnit. Had two. They taste nice. There be more burreye int taking em all now as eye dun't want ter upsettit.
But if the collar had been measured and fitted correctly it could not have been slipped. Good collars can cost a lot of money so it is up to the owner to weigh up the pros and cons of the best one when buying. Nowadays, many people have gone down the harness route to surmount this problem. A 'spooked' dog seems to be able to break free from most collars.

This was posted to my local FB page;

" If anyone knows the lady who hit my dog earlier today on Griffin Rd (no fault of her own, the dog slipped her collar and she could not avoid her), please let her know Kaya is ok. She has a small cut on her leg and was chasing the foxes half an hour later. She was so upset and we just wanted to reassure her. And thank her for stopping"
"she got lots of cuddles and I had a brandy! And we need to get a new collar! She’s a rescue dog from Bosnia and we are trying to train her… it’s not going well"

Great relief she's ok ...
But if the collar had been measured and fitted correctly it could not have been slipped. Good collars can cost a lot of money so it is up to the owner to weigh up the pros and cons of the best one when buying. Nowadays, many people have gone down the harness route to surmount this problem. A 'spooked' dog seems to be able to break free from most collars.

Harness is not good for some dogs it buggers up the skeleton arrangement ...
Eye has bin looking oot fer more orange pots but sainsberrys has only gottid ones where they mixed orange wiv grey plastic. So eye went to anuvva sainsberrys and they had none. Went to anuvva un the same. Was going ome and fort ov anuvva one on tuvva side ov me cassul. Stopped at mine on the way just in case un found 10 more ov da right colour. Eye is now finkin ov changing me food choppin day as monday be bad if they hassa busy weekend un dunt re stock everyfink before eye gets there after wuk.

It's a long weekend, peeps fink they will starve ter deff by then ...
Harness is not good for some dogs it buggers up the skeleton arrangement ...
I suppose it is a case of you win some and you lose some. It is for each owner to accept what they think is the best for them and their pet.

Mine hardly ever have collars on and if they do then they are the Martingale ones and purely for identification, but then they are never on roads or pavements or out of my close control and, if the truth be known, they are too devoted to me they stay around to ensure my safety!! They never lose sight of my whereabouts even when they have total freedom in acres of land - the real life of a country dog! They never encounter traffic and I am sure if they did they would look on it as playmates!!!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
This was posted to my local FB page;

" If anyone knows the lady who hit my dog earlier today on Griffin Rd (no fault of her own, the dog slipped her collar and she could not avoid her), please let her know Kaya is ok. She has a small cut on her leg and was chasing the foxes half an hour later. She was so upset and we just wanted to reassure her. And thank her for stopping"
"she got lots of cuddles and I had a brandy! And we need to get a new collar! She’s a rescue dog from Bosnia and we are trying to train her… it’s not going well"

Great relief she's ok ...
That really is good news, both for the dog and for your peace of mind. It was very nice of the owner to go to such lengths to get the good news conveyed to you so quickly. :)
Good morning my happy family.
Hope you are all fighting fit & happy. Out this morning to finish paperwork. Later today off to see parents on the long way to Northampton. Meet up with friends for a quiet time tonight.
Just packing Motobike for a relaxing ride….

be happy in the sun…

(any sign of @Shimsteriom or @kevstar )
I had noted that @derwendolly now has a motorsnail ;)

Heeyyyy up you lot :D:D:D

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