
I hit a dog on the way home just now ...

She'd slipped her lead and ran out from behind a small parked van ...

I saw a blur of tan and white, swerved right, no oncoming traffic, braked and heard a yelp ...

She ran down the road a few yards and hid in a front garden, the owners are taking her to the vet now ...

I'm in bits ...

I hit a dog on the way home just now ...

She'd slipped her lead and ran out from behind a small parked van ...

I saw a blur of tan and white, swerved right, no oncoming traffic, braked and heard a yelp ...

She ran down the road a few yards and hid in a front garden, the owners are taking her to the vet now ...

I'm in bits ...
Sorry I can't like that. I hope both you and the dog are ok.

I hit a dog on the way home just now ...

She'd slipped her lead and ran out from behind a small parked van ...

I saw a blur of tan and white, swerved right, no oncoming traffic, braked and heard a yelp ...

She ran down the road a few yards and hid in a front garden, the owners are taking her to the vet now ...

I'm in bits ...
Upsetting for you but not your fault.
Everything that can be done is being done and it really is up to the owner to learn the lesson of having a secure attachment to her/his beloved pet.
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(any sign of @Shimsteriom or @kevstar )

Both have disapperared into thin air so I hope they are enjoying whatever they are doing. :)

I had noted that @derwendolly now has a motorsnail ;)

Yes, an Auto-Sleeper Mercedes auto, a step up to make sure I get some fun out of my hard-earned before the Charities get the lot - no more living and deserving relatives. :D:D:D
I still feel as if I could have done summat different ..
The owners wife was in tears ...
We always think that, - 'What if ......' etc. The dog should not have been loose.
It is natural for the owner and his wife to be distressed but I'm sure they will understand that an unfortunate set of circumstanses has resulted in this happening and next time they will make extra sure that the lead-to-dog connection is secure.
We always think that, - 'What if ......' etc. The dog should not have been loose.
It is natural for the owner and his wife to be distressed but I'm sure they will understand that an unfortunate set of circumstanses has resulted in this happening and next time they will make extra sure that the lead-to-dog connection is secure.

She slipped the collar ...
She slipped the collar ...
But if the collar had been measured and fitted correctly it could not have been slipped. Good collars can cost a lot of money so it is up to the owner to weigh up the pros and cons of the best one when buying. Nowadays, many people have gone down the harness route to surmount this problem. A 'spooked' dog seems to be able to break free from most collars.
Just back from our little jaunt to a new town and hotel, Very nice. Loads of history to the town and a great nightlife going on. Think we will be going back:).

Sat outside till Midnight, then had breakfast outside at 9am just what is not to like:).

Drive back and 3 cats still alive and seem to have forgiven us already, they are easy bribed with food:D.

Hope all have a great start to the weekend.

Aren't Mr & Mrs @Stanleysteamer supposed to be getting dressed up in their finest this weekend, hope it goes well:).


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