Good luck in finding a driver who can think for them selves …
As our house does not have a number, despite the letterbox having the name in 3 inch high letters in three places on it, I even told them "5th completed house on the right".
Last year a big parcel got delivered to the wrong house cos the driver rang me up and I described the house to him, it's the only one where the central part is on two floors. He delivered it to two doors down. And this is not a Scottish comedy programme!;):mad:
As our house does not have a number, despite the letterbox having the name in 3 inch high letters in three places on it, I even told them "5th completed house on the right".
Last year a big parcel got delivered to the wrong house cos the driver rang me up and I described the house to him, it's the only one where the central part is on two floors. He delivered it to two doors down. And this is not a Scottish comedy programme!;):mad:

Wrong Channel? :D
Morning All :D
Nice day here again. :)
Fitted the thumb throttle to the trike yesterday. :)
I am hopeful that my knee won't give way on the trip next week,
If it all goes horribly wrong then I won't be going to Holland. :(
Have a good day. :)
Do look after yourself, mate. With all you've got going on you deserve some Dutch fun.
(Err, should I reword that? Nah!! CBA!!):D
...... that all shopping trips etc are having to work around deliveries as it's better if I am in for them.
So....... the microwave has just landed. After we were told firmly it wouldn't be here till tomoz!!
Good thing I didn't go shopping just yet!
Have yet to unpack it.
Where will we put the old one?
(IF the new one works!!):):):)
Well the "Micro-ondes" is installed and tested. Defrosted a loaf of bread automatically in 50 seconds.
Sheets and sheets of "don't let a child microwave his head in it".:rolleyes:
Sheets and sheets of "What to do ifn it doan't wuk."
Picture of it with all the parts named.;)
Codes to use to defrost /cook/melt. Hundreds of em.:rolleyes:
No actool thing to tell you in what order to push the buttons. Nor which ones.:mad::mad::mad:
Which we found out cos we is bof qualified microwave pilots!;)
(Tiny little "confirm" button has to be pushed to make it all go.)
Oh and a QR code if we want to know more. So fantastic for a person with no feckin mobile. :mad::mad::mad:
Or else you go onto Samsung.cum to download one, which is what I told W to do in the first place.
So, happy with it!! (Well sort of!) and interestingly the wire to it was much shorter than usual. no bad thing!:):):)
Enjoy the rest of the day!!!:):):)
Wot sorta tap is it?
Hope you don't have to regrind the seat.:D:D:D
(Does anyone do that any more???:eek::eek::eek:)
I made me own tap seat grinder decades ago, must look for it one day. Tis a baff mixer/shower tap. Glands ordered. There are many, many different types of gland to choose from so it took half an hour to check measurements and compare to suppliers dimension tables :rolleyes:. So that's a job for next week's list, prolly do it on a saturday :D
Dint say I was gonna FIX it. Just investigate it. Which I have done and can confirm it IS dripping. Now to find some replacement glands for it ------
I made me own tap seat grinder decades ago, must look for it one day. Tis a baff mixer/shower tap. Glands ordered. There are many, many different types of gland to choose from so it took half an hour to check measurements and compare to suppliers dimension tables :rolleyes:. So that's a job for next week's list, prolly do it on a saturday :D
At least that is progress :)
Mornin all.
Needs a naircut, will need to get down there soon.
Pa T coming for a few days tomorrow, herself is in a tiz about tidying anorl that.
Snot like the old boy really notices but there you are.

Dottir's beau's car brukked itself in Guildford last evening, so she likely had to go pick im up. But only if the RAC werent able to unbruk it circa 2130 hrs an he don't gots recovery. My advice was to stop bein a bother and ferrim to get the train.
Nobody listens to me though.. :rolleyes:

Have a nice weekend :)

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