But 20 hours is something like what you'd have to do to get your PPL so I can't imagine them letting anyone loose in a single seater Spit with just that under your belt. There are a few twin seat (tandem) Spits around, maybe they put them in that first. but who knows!!;)
They are all fully trained jet pilots :) The 20 hours is to help slow them down :p
Just done 15 minnits diggin up nettul roots. Was going to keep going till the light went. It went urly as eye startid late. Tis quite ferrapootic diggin roots oot. Eye keeps purrin me fork it to loosen up the soil then move on. He-ven-tue-alee [manwell] yer'll find the spiders web of interconnectin roots between nettuls. They be like cable berrid int soil. If yer pull em they fight back but will snap so eye now follow em diggin instead. Hopefully this should solve me nettul problem if eye gets the roots oot anorl. Eye missed the garden bin this week so eye has waystid a bin full. Eye fort it were this week comin. Too late to go diggin when eye found oot.
Just done 15 minnits diggin up nettul roots. Was going to keep going till the light went. It went urly as eye startid late. Tis quite ferrapootic diggin roots oot. Eye keeps purrin me fork it to loosen up the soil then move on. He-ven-tue-alee [manwell] yer'll find the spiders web of interconnectin roots between nettuls. They be like cable berrid int soil. If yer pull em they fight back but will snap so eye now follow em diggin instead. Hopefully this should solve me nettul problem if eye gets the roots oot anorl. Eye missed the garden bin this week so eye has waystid a bin full. Eye fort it were this week comin. Too late to go diggin when eye found oot.
Sorry, but have you been digging up nettle roots in the dark???????:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Nice day here today.
Mostly sunny but not too hot.
As it's wife's Bday we are having more than the usual bit to drink.
Champers later.;):)
For once, instead of buying her a card, cos French ones are usally sh!te, I actooly made her one, using a pic she took of the puppies yonks ago and Word in Windows 10. Printed really well on our amazing cheapo inkjet printer and she was chuffed to bits with it!:):):)
I'm doing this from now on.;)
Had a zoom with the dottir that's gettin married soon. Rest of day not much.....
Enjoy what's left of it all!

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