I'm surprised it isn't piped down the street and delivered in a metered supply to each household.
I have heard, though I have never actually witnessed it, that you used to be able to get it delivered to your doorstep like milk! With the old crate with the empties in it by the door! Trying to fin a bit of a source but the inrternet or my pooter is stoopid slow tonight. The "vent d'Autan" is blowing like mad at the mo, which may be part of it.
Are we talking about the hummingbird hawk moth? They've got a long proboscis and feed on tube shaped flowers like valerian and honeysuckle. I've seen them on buddleia too. Early in life they're a greenish caterpillar that feeds on members of the galium and rubia families (bedstraws and madders to give them their vernacular names).
So can you tell us from the pics of the moths which flowers they were on?
Mornin all!
Still extremely blowy here, and rain forecast for most of this week and next.
@Hippo, from Wifey
"You want to plant flowering bulbs in the spring to attract early insects like bees etc, bulbs are good value for money because they come up every year,
Also summer bulbs, go to the Dutch Bulb Company on the internet, really good offers and value for money,
Perennials; buy hardy fuchsias they are annuals you can control how big the bush grows, things like petunias, old fashioned things like begonias, marigolds, geraniums, Michaelmas daisies, asters, lupins, phlox, lavender is easy to grow and the insects adore it. You need to keep deadheading them.
You need to look at their flowering times in the catalogues to make sure you always have something out.
If growing from seeds get yourself an electric germinator, good quality compost, and the best seeds you can afford. But I don't do this much because if you buy plants you can see what you are getting i.e. how strong the plant is. I have grown annuals such as sweet peas, but you have to wait such a long time.
If you join a gardening club they will often exchange plants or split up big ones and give you tons of advice.
Best of luck!"
Mornin all!
Still extremely blowy here, and rain forecast for most of this week and next.
@Hippo, from Wifey
"You want to plant flowering bulbs in the spring to attract early insects like bees etc, bulbs are good value for money because they come up every year,
Also summer bulbs, go to the Dutch Bulb Company on the internet, really good offers and value for money,
Perennials; buy hardy fuchsias they are annuals you can control how big the bush grows, things like petunias, old fashioned things like begonias, marigolds, geraniums, Michaelmas daisies, asters, lupins, phlox, lavender is easy to grow and the insects adore it. You need to keep deadheading them.
You need to look at their flowering times in the catalogues to make sure you always have something out.
If growing from seeds get yourself an electric germinator, good quality compost, and the best seeds you can afford. But I don't do this much because if you buy plants you can see what you are getting i.e. how strong the plant is. I have grown annuals such as sweet peas, but you have to wait such a long time.
If you join a gardening club they will often exchange plants or split up big ones and give you tons of advice.
Best of luck!"
Fanks :)
Went to wix on the way to wuk smornin for some paint but they din't have the size eye wanted. Not paying 21 sovs for 0.75L when yer can get 2.5L for 34 sovs. Looked ont went and homebase had it so eye went there. Sandtex primer undercoat in grey. One tin left and eye gorrit. Went for a wonder to look at the plants and got meself some seeds to plant. Mr Fothergills Delphinium and some of his Lupins anorl. They looked nice on the packet and fink they were mentioned earlier on this ere fred. Bright colours and hardy perennials. Eye will look up the other suggestions and make meself a list to look oot for.
..that I did some revisions on the touring trike today that I hope will make it possible for me to at last honour my commitment to place my friends ashes where he would have loved to be buried; in the sand dunes along the LF1 in Holland.
Amazingly, the other of the trio of us 3-amigo's who holidayed together has volunteered to tow my trike trailer if I am unable to manage the "pull" so that at long last I can lay my friend to rest. Very touching, but I am hopeful of carrying my own load. I really want to make the trip and keep my promise. :)
..that I did some revisions on the touring trike today that I hope will make it possible for me to at last honour my commitment to place my friends ashes where he would have loved to be buried; in the sand dunes along the LF1 in Holland.
Amazingly, the other of the trio of us 3-amigo's who holidayed together has volunteered to tow my trike trailer if I am unable to manage the "pull" so that at long last I can lay my friend to rest. Very touching, but I am hopeful of carrying my own load. I really want to make the trip and keep my promise. :)
It is lovely to know that there are still some kind, caring and thoughtful people around.:)
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