Sorry, 3.75euros/bottle:).

Sounds quite cheap for paint-stripper!!:D:D:D:D
If we were to buy the cheapest stuff we could from the growers we go to, some, not all, often have what is called "en Vrac" where you take your jerrycan, old oil bottle or whatever other container and they will fill it up from a vat using a thing like a petrol pump nozzle. We have yet to do that. But we buy wine at a range of prices as the cheapest usually works out at about 4€ a bot. The sort of stuff we drink every week day. (except Fridays;)). None of it pop though!
Think stuff in Bulgar land might be a shade cheaper than Frogland which ain't ever been partickler cheap but sure beats the sh!t out of Engerland right now!!
I always enjoy irises. They grow well in pots and in the open border, and are available in a variety of colours. At risk of activating the Monty Python reminiscences, lupins are worth having a go at, though I find the slugs are very fond of them. As well as the humble eating onion, you can get all sorts of alliums that have been bred for their flowers too - usually a spherical shaped flower on a long stalk. I'm trying to get red hot pokers to grow on my land but without success yet. They seem to flourish in large pots too.

Wifey starts a lot of her veg of in pots.
Just sayin like!;)
I like to have flowers that the bees and butterflies like to visit, keeps them happy and keeps the garden busy
I like fuchsias, and the insects and fings like em too!
I love watching the big black bees and the hummingbird moths all over our flowerbeds over here.
The big black bees look very scary when you first see them but they are just like lovely fumbly bumbly bees, which I like too. :):):):)
got a pic of a hummingbird moth published in France Today (since subsumed into French Property News) once, mind you they'll publish most stuff, if I can find it I'll put it up, though this is prolly the wrong fred.;) they are fascinating creatures with the length of tongue ladies would die for, well, on their menfolk!:D:D:D:eek:
Well that would be funny as we have to pour it into a big metal container! don't you?
But you do prove the point there!;)
These days I add it to creosote and apply it to fence posts. I seem to remember last time I actually dropped some off I'd out it into plastic 5 litre oil containers that I'd bought the fresh oil in, and just handed them over to the attendant. There seemed to be a lot of driving around involved, which isn't terribly green. They won't let you take waste oil on the bus. I offered it to the proprietor of the kebab van which hangs around the student union at kicking out time because it's well known that his deep fat fryer and gearbox share a common sump, but he didn't seem to be interested.

One of the series. They ain't easy to photograph and as you can tell the shutter speed can't freeze the wings.
Or I didn't manage to do so.
Maybe if I'd upped the equivalent of the film speed.
This is maybe a better one.
These days I add it to creosote and apply it to fence posts. I seem to remember last time I actually dropped some off I'd out it into plastic 5 litre oil containers that I'd bought the fresh oil in, and just handed them over to the attendant. There seemed to be a lot of driving around involved, which isn't terribly green. They won't let you take waste oil on the bus. I offered it to the proprietor of the kebab van which hangs around the student union at kicking out time because it's well known that his deep fat fryer and gearbox share a common sump, but he didn't seem to be interested.
Ours gets recycled, we are assured!;)
Yer but no but which ones?
(Soz @Hippo I fort was answering your comment on one of my posts, not poor old Kermy's!)

Flowers or insects?
You will have to forgive my lack of horticultural knowledge, I did mention fuchsias, but the names of the others I'd have to ask W who is in bed right now.
I'll ask her tomoz.
Hope she remembers! What she planted where!
I might just be able to pull up a pick of the bed they all love to descend on then maybe others could put names to the plants, I sure as heck couldn't!
I'm not quick at finding photos, cataloggin ain't my strong suit.
Plus apparently having them on Windows 8 apparently isn't clever according so someone I know!
These days I add it to creosote and apply it to fence posts. I seem to remember last time I actually dropped some off I'd out it into plastic 5 litre oil containers that I'd bought the fresh oil in, and just handed them over to the attendant. There seemed to be a lot of driving around involved, which isn't terribly green. They won't let you take waste oil on the bus. I offered it to the proprietor of the kebab van which hangs around the student union at kicking out time because it's well known that his deep fat fryer and gearbox share a common sump, but he didn't seem to be interested.
(Soz @Hippo I fort was answering your comment on one of my posts, not poor old Kermy's!)

Flowers or insects?
You will have to forgive my lack of horticultural knowledge, I did mention fuchsias, but the names of the others I'd have to ask W who is in bed right now.
I'll ask her tomoz.
Hope she remembers! What she planted where!
I might just be able to pull up a pick of the bed they all love to descend on then maybe others could put names to the plants, I sure as heck couldn't!
I'm not quick at finding photos, cataloggin ain't my strong suit.
Plus apparently having them on Windows 8 apparently isn't clever according so someone I know!
Flowers and plants. Eye want to fill me garden wivvem. Eye has downloaded gardeners world but not watched it yet. Bin lookin oot fer shrubs and continuous living plants to buy. Fancy having a go at growing from seeds anorl.
Are we talking about the hummingbird hawk moth? They've got a long proboscis and feed on tube shaped flowers like valerian and honeysuckle. I've seen them on buddleia too. Early in life they're a greenish caterpillar that feeds on members of the galium and rubia families (bedstraws and madders to give them their vernacular names).
Sounds quite cheap for paint-stripper!!:D:D:D:D
If we were to buy the cheapest stuff we could from the growers we go to, some, not all, often have what is called "en Vrac" where you take your jerrycan, old oil bottle or whatever other container and they will fill it up from a vat using a thing like a petrol pump nozzle. We have yet to do that. But we buy wine at a range of prices as the cheapest usually works out at about 4€ a bot. The sort of stuff we drink every week day. (except Fridays;)). None of it pop though!
Think stuff in Bulgar land might be a shade cheaper than Frogland which ain't ever been partickler cheap but sure beats the sh!t out of Engerland right now!!

I'm surprised it isn't piped down the street and delivered in a metered supply to each household.

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