I have heard they have gone up in price.
I needed one cos I took mine out to clean the oil out of it as you do when you have a Disco 2, :(:(
and as the plugs were so stiff I managed to drop it on a gravel drive. After that it didn't want to know.
so I took it an allegedly expert bunch in Poole to have it mended only to discover, through research on the net, that they were a bunch of cowboys. thankfully I took it off them before they did anything with it. I still have it and I sent it, via my son in law, to a clever lady engineer who uses a microscope to find breaks on PCBs etc. she couldn't find anything, which is a shame as it is chipped and I'd like to still be running it.
so if you do send it away, I'm sure you will send it to peeps who are honest and reliable. Might as well take the chance to get it chipped, if you are so inclined.

Alive tuning repair for £200 or replacements can be as much as £750:eek::eek:
@Nig , on a roadtrip ... :D


Comedy mod :rolleyes:

Mine are uncluttered classics :p
Mornin folks.
Starter relay arrived for the bike, so that first and fingers crossed.
Then a damn good wash for the Tratter in time for the MOT, I think is rude to present a filthy motor to the nice Mr Inspector.
BBQ this afternoon, Ma an Dottir coming over.
Have a nice day peeps!
Cheers Phil, he is a bit far away for me or I would of had that. At avg 12 mpg towing in the RR it would cost me a couple of hundred in petrol!!
I did feel for the silly sod who came to look at the trailer all the way from Heathrow.
His reason for not buying it was so stupid as all he had to do was ask one question.
so Wifey thinks there was another reason, altho she never met him, nor did she witness his visit.
so his petrol costs, in a RAV4 ouch!:eek:

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