Romanian bloke, the father of the person who has been emailing me re the trailer, came all the way from Heefrow to look at it. As he didn't speak a word of Eengleesh, we had to have a three way convo with his son.
Blokey liked the trailer, in fact he loved it cos it is so big, but it has no plate on it, other than one in German on the drawbar.
This concerned him cos he wants to take a load of stuff to Romania. He went on about needing to register it.
So I looked it up on the DVLA website and, sho nuff, you don't need to register a trailer to VISIT Europe unless it is either a commercial trailer or it is over 3500KG. It is neither of these.
So I now have no idea whether he'll come back or not.
He just might.
As I told him, if there had been a plate on there I'd have photographed it and put the pic on the ad.
What a waste of time.
Still, if he decides he don't need to register it, he may come back as he really did like it.

Ho hum!:(:(:(:rolleyes:

I am guessing the Romania rules are similar too.
If he wants to tow it there on a Brit reg then he’s can.
If he wants to tow around the UK on a foreign plate he can.
Now for the mix:).
If he wants to reg it in Romania (small guesswork here) the trailer needs it’s own paperwork, it can be done without (here) but is a hassle.
If he wants to tow it back to Romania in a car with Romania plate, he can’t without breaking the law:).
How do I know, don’t ask;).

Trailers have their own identity in Europe and that is his problem:).

I am guessing the Romania rules are similar too.
If he wants to tow it there on a Brit reg then he’s can.
If he wants to tow around the UK on a foreign plate he can.
Now for the mix:).
If he wants to reg it in Romania (small guesswork here) the trailer needs it’s own paperwork, it can be done without (here) but is a hassle.
If he wants to tow it back to Romania in a car with Romania plate, he can’t without breaking the law:).
How do I know, don’t ask;).

Trailers have their own identity in Europe and that is his problem:).

This is my understanding too.
I have no paperwork trail so I can't get in touch with AJC and ask them to provide any.
I did know that in France all trailers, caravans etc have their own registration insurance etc etc. They also have construction and use regs which make it impossible to import a caravan made in Brit land.
and presumably this is all to stop peeps making their own.
Which I think has only become illegal in the UK fairly recently.
Fri, Sat, Sun we drinks good bots of red. (€12 or more per bot to us from the vineyard.)
But tonight the red was going down so well, I forgot we still had cheese to go.
So I opened a bot of the cheaper stuff. Still good value for money, but wished I'd saved some of the good stuff.:(
Anyways looks like I'll be finishing the 2nd bot myself as herself has gone off to bed. (I think she had a glass).
She has to be up at stupid o'clock to go "Shopping " with dottir. Portsmouth, Southampton, Street, you name it.:rolleyes:

Shoes for the wedding being the priority.:rolleyes: (Wifey's not the bride's.:rolleyes:)
Still leaves me the day to do what I want!
Either send it away to be looked at or ebay. They aren’t cheap now though.
I have heard they have gone up in price.
I needed one cos I took mine out to clean the oil out of it as you do when you have a Disco 2, :(:(
and as the plugs were so stiff I managed to drop it on a gravel drive. After that it didn't want to know.
so I took it an allegedly expert bunch in Poole to have it mended only to discover, through research on the net, that they were a bunch of cowboys. thankfully I took it off them before they did anything with it. I still have it and I sent it, via my son in law, to a clever lady engineer who uses a microscope to find breaks on PCBs etc. she couldn't find anything, which is a shame as it is chipped and I'd like to still be running it.
so if you do send it away, I'm sure you will send it to peeps who are honest and reliable. Might as well take the chance to get it chipped, if you are so inclined.

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