Morning, a new person in the village doesn't have enough room and has started to park their motor outside my little bungalow. I have decided to park the RR outside his house when I get home ;)
Oh dear, not a good start to his life in the village then.:(:(:(
All you can do is park your car outside your house when you are in, rather than on the drive.
there is SOOOOOO much of this on other forums. :(:(:(
Morning all very overcast here atm hopefully the sun will put his hat on..

Fkn Scottish power is putting out leccy bill from 80 quid a month to 180 wtf
thats not including gas as we dont have piped gas. :mad::mad:

Looking at hydro power to utilise the burn/stream depends which side of the river yer from aint it lol
Anyhoo have a nice day I'll catch up later.

@Stanleysteamer did ye sell yer trailer. :)
No not yet, two time wasters, then one who wants to know if it is still available and another who offered 2/3 the price, or rather, asked if I would "take it".
Sorry bout your leccy.
Is it legal to fit hydro where you are?
I knew a bloke in France who owned an old watermill, he wanted to convert it to hydro, all he needed to do was mend the wheel and fit a generator. He had to battle with local authority, waterways, EDF etc etc. Stupid thing really. He should have kept schtum and just rewired bits of his property, (He ran an 8 room Band B in the old mill owner's house. ) He said once installed he could, have kept half the street in power.
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Just posted ad for trailer on here.
Hope "Other stuff" is the right place. :rolleyes:
Might copy it and put it on the other places under "For Sale":rolleyes:
Still got to take some piccies of my trailer which is advertised on here, (in other stuff) its still locked away unseen for months in a lock up. Will get the opportunity tomorrow when it comes out for a trip to dottirs south of lincoln - moving a fridge freezer for her.
Afternoon folks:).

While moving stuff to clear space, I noticed buds on our cherry tree:).
Just checked and I have a pic of it in full bloom 2nd week in March;), so its obviously late this year. Also no sign of any "big chickens" yet. But they were late leaving this last year:).

Did a bit of work this morning, hard graft laying a couple more granite slabs. And just had a can of brew dog (gonna have another in a mo) and SWMBO is knocking me up a full english. Its my birpday today, one hundred and sixty eight. Rest of the day off with double nothing. :D
Enjoy the day and stop laying those slags.

Blasted predictive text!!!
Still got to take some piccies of my trailer which is advertised on here, (in other stuff) its still locked away unseen for months in a lock up. Will get the opportunity tomorrow when it comes out for a trip to dottirs south of lincoln - moving a fridge freezer for her.
'cording to the rools, (now I have read 'em) it says, "put piccies up" or words to that effect.
So you will be being a good boy!!;)

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