Afternoon folks:).

Nice clear and bright day today and more of the same tomorrow (so they say;)) so we plan to go and have our posh meal early afternoon tomoz:).

When M drove to the airport last week she commented on a burning smell when she parked it up:eek:. When we got back it was still there and hadnt burnt down;). But on the drive home the smell was not really noticeable to my trained nose;).
Anyway got it over the pit for a check over and I can say the L322 has joined the leaky club:oops:, not much but it is doing some self preservation underneath;). Cant see anything from the top and it seems to be on the back left (looking from front). So now to try work out whats in that area, it seems to be oil not diesel although difficult to tell as really not that much. Plus anything diesel related is on torther side:).
So evicted the L322 back to the drive and put the non leaky P38 back in the garage:D.

Gonna kick the fire now as the sun has started to not shine in the house and warm it:).

My mate pulled this out the trees earlier, its on a bit of road that has crashes every year on the same
spot, few people have lost there life there too. :(
had a tin of paint in the back & the lass looked like a ghost which I did laugh at (sorry lol) :oops:
No injury's apart from a seat belt bruise.....
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Nah it ain't, it's your other MINI what you are getting rid of for the insurance! We know.....!!!
How much did you pay the burd?
The paint tin was a nice touch, good thing it didn't hit her somewhere dodgy!!!:D:D:D
Coming soon:):):):)


James Bond diddit nearly fifty years ago. :rolleyes:
Edit: fink it was the baddie wot did it. But the brits were first -----

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