It's a lovely Toyota Avensis but I hate it with a passion, want my landy back . Who ever buys it will love it I'm sure but it's not for me, tried to put buyers off so they won't be disappointed, don't want someone bidding too much because it looks nice in the pictures. It does look nice and has been well looked after, a few faults but just cosmetic, just want someone to take it away and I don't ever want to see it again, ever had a car like that ?

Toyota Avensis 2.2 diesel 2007 above average mileage | eBay
When Wifey worked for Toyota (!) she had an Avensis for about 5 minutes. She sent it back cos it had so much wrong with it!
One thing that sticks in my mind was that it made petrol!!!!:eek:
Well it did according to the fuel gauge!!!;)
When Wifey worked for Toyota (!) she had an Avensis for about 5 minutes. She sent it back cos it had so much wrong with it!
One thing that sticks in my mind was that it made petrol!!!!:eek:
Well it did according to the fuel gauge!!!;)
To be honest it's a good reliable car, I don't like the radio or the heating system and the leather seats are bloody freezing this time of year. Yes it sips diesel on the motorway, took 4 of us 250 miles at 75 mph and did 54mpg according to the computer which was about right. but it's not for me, need a bit of discomfort in my life :D
Spent the afternoon taking the lawnmower apart to get to the dodgy bearing at the end of the bit that hold the blade. It is obvious this is the problem as ball bearings have visibly "gone" and there are other bits of metal where they shouldn't be!
Twas a total pain getting to this point as the whole thing is held together with crosshead screws into plastic, so the only way to do it, as the machine is 30 years old if not older, was to use an impact driver. ;)
But I am now to the point where I think normal tools will do it.
As it's a voyage of discovery I may well have taken more stuff off than I needed to.:mad:
And there were bits where I couldn't see the tops of the screws as they were buried under decades of dry mud.:eek:
And the amount of dry grass that came out of the guts of it, invisible when you have finished mowing and cleaned it, filled the grass box!!
So stopped for the day.
"I'll be back":):):)
To be honest it's a good reliable car, I don't like the radio or the heating system and the leather seats are bloody freezing this time of year. Yes it sips diesel on the motorway, took 4 of us 250 miles at 75 mph and did 54mpg according to the computer which was about right. but it's not for me, need a bit of discomfort in my life :D
It ought to sell well then. Toyotas usually are reliable. We had a few MR2s as company cars and they were all fine and good fun!:):):)
It's a lovely Toyota Avensis but I hate it with a passion, want my landy back . Who ever buys it will love it I'm sure but it's not for me, tried to put buyers off so they won't be disappointed, don't want someone bidding too much because it looks nice in the pictures. It does look nice and has been well looked after, a few faults but just cosmetic, just want someone to take it away and I don't ever want to see it again, ever had a car like that ?

Toyota Avensis 2.2 diesel 2007 above average mileage | eBay
Just read it.
That is THE most hilarious advert for a car I have ever read!
You ought to get a decent price for it just for the laugh you will give the buyers.:D:D:D:D:D
Go on LZers, click on his link, you'll laugh your socks/tights off!
For Heavens sake put it on the joke thread!!!!!:):):):)
The United Kingdom will build a new communications facility on one of two bases it maintains on the Greek Cyprus, a British Defense Ministry spokesman said on Jan. 14.

The spokesman told the Associated Press that the purpose of the small-scale infrastructure Project” is to “modernize communications infrastructure and increase our resilience.”

The spokesman, speaking on customary condition of anonymity, gave no further details. The facility will be built at a disused site at Dhekelia Garrison on Greek Cyprus.

The U.K. retained the bases when the island gained independence from British colonial rule in 1960.

The bases incorporate a large airfield at RAF Akrotiri and an important electronic intelligence gathering station at Ayios Nicolaos situated around 175 kilometers (109 miles) from Syria’s Mediterranean coastline.

Britain has been keen in projecting its military strength in the region since it exited the European Union on Feb. 1, 2020, with large naval deployments including its newest aircraft carrier, HMS Queen Elizabeth, from which cutting-edge F-35 jets operate.

British warplanes have also flown from RAF Akrotiri to assist in the fight against ISIL in Syria and Iraq.
The United Kingdom will build a new communications facility on one of two bases it maintains on the Greek Cyprus, a British Defense Ministry spokesman said on Jan. 14.

The spokesman told the Associated Press that the purpose of the small-scale infrastructure Project” is to “modernize communications infrastructure and increase our resilience.”

The spokesman, speaking on customary condition of anonymity, gave no further details. The facility will be built at a disused site at Dhekelia Garrison on Greek Cyprus.

The U.K. retained the bases when the island gained independence from British colonial rule in 1960.

The bases incorporate a large airfield at RAF Akrotiri and an important electronic intelligence gathering station at Ayios Nicolaos situated around 175 kilometers (109 miles) from Syria’s Mediterranean coastline.

Britain has been keen in projecting its military strength in the region since it exited the European Union on Feb. 1, 2020, with large naval deployments including its newest aircraft carrier, HMS Queen Elizabeth, from which cutting-edge F-35 jets operate.

British warplanes have also flown from RAF Akrotiri to assist in the fight against ISIL in Syria and Iraq.
My grandson, an RAF apprentice/trainee in vehicle maintenance was deployed there recently. Don't know whether he had fun there or not!
Good man :)
I have just fried the VFD on my lathe so I am a little bit miffed at the moment. The seal replacement on the 90 has not gone to plan either.
Bit of a crap afternoon but the morning was ok lol :rolleyes:

One of the old fellas at work had a day like that last Tuesday ...

Boiler packed up ... bloke came to look at it ... and condemned it ...
That afternoon the insurance chap came to check on the scenario and the immersion tank was deemed buggered too ...

While he's telling me all this he looked at his watch, "it's not 06:30 is it, Dips?", "No, Alan, it's 10:28, why?" ...

" Bleddy watch is fecked anorl"
Evening folks:)

Getting bored now;)
Trimmed the olive tree to within an inch of its life with Dad this morning:eek::D filled the green bin:rolleyes:
Stood outside for a fag:oops: ( I know but haven’t been doing too well atm) noticed a broken tile on the garage roof asked dad if builderers had left any spares, he can’t remember but had a spare house tile luckily the same so changed that for him.

The builderer is working on my uncles place so dad will go have a word about some spares. I always used to leave a dozen spare roof tiles when I did a roof:)

Oh check this out I think @Hippo or @DevonGuy iced this:D:eek:

Yes spelling does count for some occasions @derwendolly :)



  • 74CB3333-2BD2-416E-8989-6BD2173D0DD9.jpeg
    326.9 KB · Views: 99
Evening folks:)

Getting bored now;)
Trimmed the olive tree to within an inch of its life with Dad this morning:eek::D filled the green bin:rolleyes:
Stood outside for a fag:oops: ( I know but haven’t been doing too well atm) noticed a broken tile on the garage roof asked dad if builderers had left any spares, he can’t remember but had a spare house tile luckily the same so changed that for him.

The builderer is working on my uncles place so dad will go have a word about some spares. I always used to leave a dozen spare roof tiles when I did a roof:)

Oh check this out I think @Hippo or @DevonGuy iced this:D:eek:

Yes spelling does count for some occasions @derwendolly :)

It's the fort wot counts
Mate, the money has now been refunded and yes they did do it via Paypal, as they could have done back in November.
When we wanted a refund they agreed more or less immediately.
But they then said they couldn't refund through Paypal, as it was so long ago. (Which we now know was a lie)
So they said they would do it by BACS but they asked for far more personal information than was necessary, i.e. copies of Wifey's passport, etc etc, which we KNEW they didn't need, (Wifey is an ex accountant for heaven's sake), and refused to do it when we pointed this out.
We then asked them to simply send us a cheque.
They refused to do that too.
So we had given them three ways to do it and they wouldn't do any of them.
So we had three choices, take it to the credit card company or to the small claims track, or to give up on the money.
We thought using the credit card company would be the least harsh so we did this.
Then they told us that they would not refund us the money as we had involved the credit card company!
THEN they told us they could refund it via Paypal as they had asked them to do it manually.
Then it was refunded.

I don't know why you are trying to demonise me over this.
They went out of their way to not refund us despite us being totally reasonable all the time, exceedingly polite all the time, to the human beings on the end of the line and the email people at customer service.
They could have refunded us at anytime simply by writing a cheque or doing a BACS.
They chose not to. Maybe you have a theory as to why they did this but neither of us could work one out and all they said to us was "We are paperless" which has to be rubbish, they must be able to write cheques even if they have to get their bank to supply a cheque.
"The delay in telling them about this, the daft emails of threats instead of using their warranty returns process... is what has caused all the problems. Yer seem to want to go to war against them. If yer was to go to court they could easily counter claim for all the additional office hours they have spent on dealing with this, outside their normal complaints process which you chose not to use. Its there on the web for others to use. Admin time at 50 sovs per hour... is what we use at work. Like finance dealing with yer email threats outside of their warranty claims process. The same process others use without any problems."
1/ there was no delay in telling them about anything, the moment we opened the packaging we saw what it was like, we rang them and did what they asked re photos etc.
2/No "daft" threats nothing.
3/ Their warranty returns process from their internet site was not easy to find, I tried believe me, and maybe I'm stupid for not being able to find it. But that is the case. In fact I only saw it once you found it for me. To those who deal with websites like this all the time what seems stupid to you is not stupid to peeps like me who don't spend their time doing it. Anyway, by the time I found it I had already written to them.
4/ I never want a war and usually in these circumstances either the company refund the money straight away or they fight me for it. In this case they fought me for it and didn't refund it for nearly 2 months. So any "war" was of their creation.
5/ re the legal thing, well it has not come to this, but I think any judge would say that I had behaved very reasonably every step of the way, had fulfilled all I had to do namely telling them about the problem and then if that didn't work I would have written them my final letter saying that I wanted refund before a certain reasonable date or I would take them to court. This is what I did when dealing with Carphone Warehouse, and B&Q. In both cases the judge found in my favour and no counter claim was even put in. I even had to send the bailiffs in with CW.

I have been forced, forced mind, to use the Small Claims Track quite a few times, when all else failed, in cases of consumer law, and never had costs or anything against me nor have I lost a claim. So I do know what I am talking about.

I do not see why you cannot be happy for me for having eventually got our money back. Instead of having a go at me for what I had to do to get it.

It's as if you work for them.:(:(:(
I’m not trying to demonise you. I’m sorry if what I have written leads you to think this. I don’t work for them but do have sympathy for peeps who have a job dealing with customers direct. I thought you had a delay because of decorating but I’m wrong on that.

Cheques are old. My employer needs 4 different signatures on a cheque request form. It’s so much hassle to get one created it’s just not worth it. Especially when there’s limited peeps wo can sign a cheque, and the sig on the cheque has to be different again. All down to security as a cheque is sent to a ‘name’ on it, which could be a scam theft. BACS is available but it wouldn’t surprise me if they limit it to bill paying only like gas, electric, established maintenance contracts etc. That will be locked down to stop mistakes happening as it’s too easily done. It’s always difficult to get accounts in a large company to do anything different to their processes as they heavily reply on process for their tax return and auditing. They audit the process to make sure it work. Transactions used under it are then said to be ok. So I can understand why their options are limited on refund methods.

Where individual staff say one thing then it doesn’t happen, my finking on this is… it would more often than not be down to the member of staff not knowing what alternative options are available. Like offering to refund in a different way only to find it’s not possible. To a tele-handler it’s just a refund via a different method but to accounts I would expect them to want to refund against the original payment, even if it’s a different method. That auto reverses the tax part of the payment which will be key to their processes. Similar could be said for the passport request. I think someone has gone a bit too far in wanting proof of who they’re refunding too.

The best way to search a web site I find is to use google. If you put ‘paypal refund policy days’ into google it will come up with the answer and the link to find it on their site. You still need to check the link in case the web site has updated but google hasn’t noticed. Rare but happens. Google collect ‘copies’ of web sites for its devilish work and scans them. I use the same method for landyzone anorl to search for fings on here. ‘argos nextbase’ is one I used earlier for a camera.
I’m not trying to demonise you. I’m sorry if what I have written leads you to think this. I don’t work for them but do have sympathy for peeps who have a job dealing with customers direct. I thought you had a delay because of decorating but I’m wrong on that.

Cheques are old. My employer needs 4 different signatures on a cheque request form. It’s so much hassle to get one created it’s just not worth it. Especially when there’s limited peeps wo can sign a cheque, and the sig on the cheque has to be different again. All down to security as a cheque is sent to a ‘name’ on it, which could be a scam theft. BACS is available but it wouldn’t surprise me if they limit it to bill paying only like gas, electric, established maintenance contracts etc. That will be locked down to stop mistakes happening as it’s too easily done. It’s always difficult to get accounts in a large company to do anything different to their processes as they heavily reply on process for their tax return and auditing. They audit the process to make sure it work. Transactions used under it are then said to be ok. So I can understand why their options are limited on refund methods.

Where individual staff say one thing then it doesn’t happen, my finking on this is… it would more often than not be down to the member of staff not knowing what alternative options are available. Like offering to refund in a different way only to find it’s not possible. To a tele-handler it’s just a refund via a different method but to accounts I would expect them to want to refund against the original payment, even if it’s a different method. That auto reverses the tax part of the payment which will be key to their processes. Similar could be said for the passport request. I think someone has gone a bit too far in wanting proof of who they’re refunding too.

The best way to search a web site I find is to use google. If you put ‘paypal refund policy days’ into google it will come up with the answer and the link to find it on their site. You still need to check the link in case the web site has updated but google hasn’t noticed. Rare but happens. Google collect ‘copies’ of web sites for its devilish work and scans them. I use the same method for landyzone anorl to search for fings on here. ‘argos nextbase’ is one I used earlier for a camera.

That really is too much for me to read right now. But I :p it anyway:).

To be honest it's a good reliable car, I don't like the radio or the heating system and the leather seats are bloody freezing this time of year. Yes it sips diesel on the motorway, took 4 of us 250 miles at 75 mph and did 54mpg according to the computer which was about right. but it's not for me, need a bit of discomfort in my life :D
When yer look through the pic's there's 2 different reg plates on it.
Did some hooverin ter day. Upstairs only. Gorra do down stairs morra. Edgar and eye did our burd watch smornin. One bobbin. Me black burd never appeared. Dun't know why.

Since someone on ere said bobbins is ground feeders that reminded me ov somefink so eye has been putting meal wurms under a tree where eye has seen im ont mud lookin fer fings. Looks like it has wurked. Eye half seen somefink fly low out of a bush to where eye put them. 5 mins later it flew back. Bingo. Hopefully me bobin will associate me assa feind wiv food.

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