Hey up you lot..back at work today on lighter duties :) Been busy doing fk nose what o_O
Trying to get a pics of a puppy being still is a challenge lol
A touch of frost but I don't think that will stay for long as the temp is now rising.
Yesterday's boiler repair was only half successful. The escaping water has caused a lot of damage to the water pump so that has to be replaced before I can get hot water - could arrive either today or tomorrow - I hope, meanwhile I do have heating so that is good news. My engineer, he installed it originally and comes annually to service it, was here for over three hours changing valves(?) (big, heavy brass things) as that is where the problem came from so I don't expect the bill to be miniscule!
Enjoy your Tuesday folks and think of me every time you turn on the hot tap, you lucky creatures.:)

'He' is here now fitting the water pump.:):):):)
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Morning All :D
Another sharp and crisp day with -1° out there where I am.
Oh, and my CH has failed. :(
Back crackers @ 10 so I am up early to get everything done beforehand.
Did anyone else catch the 2 page guide to child-beating in the Daily Fail yesterday? Shocking! :eek:
Have a good day. :D
Quiet on here today.
Mixed news here.
The stuff I put on th evisa form that didn't seem to be accepted was miraculously accepted when I opened it all up this morning.
So, after a large scale row with Mrs St. following this, over documentation and the order in which things should be done, (you cannot imagine how differently we approach a job, especially paperwork) I carried on and got us an appointment in London to go to the next stage.
We also were able to download and print off the receipt with a list of the required documentation on it. Which is less than we thought but we will still take tons more just in case. According to articles we have read this is a good idea.
So she calms down and goes of to her sewing circle.
I breathe, have a spot of lunch and then look more closely at the stuff we sent off.
Her middle name is Dorothy, and in my heated state last night, with Wifey driving me to try and get it all done yesterday, I miss-typed it as Dorthy. She didn't check the form so it can only be my mistake.:oops::mad:

So we either live with it and go to London at the appointed time.
Or I cancel the entire application and do it all again, with the typo corrected.:rolleyes:

So just rung the missus and she is not particularly bovvad. As we both said, we can't be the only peeps who make typos and we can prove the correct spelling from loads of documents.
So off now to get stuff to mend the box trailer before sale and to try and find a car trailer to take Wifey's car.
Wonder who does box section steel cheap?
Catch yer later!!:):):):):)
Quiet on here today.
Her middle name is Dorothy, and in my heated state last night, with Wifey driving me to try and get it all done yesterday, I miss-typed it as Dorthy. She didn't check the form so it can only be my mistake.:oops::mad:

So we either live with it and go to London at the appointed time.
Or I cancel the entire application and do it all again, with the typo corrected.:rolleyes:

Live with it and only notice it with great surprise, when you are meeting them in person. ''I wonder how that has happened?'' :rolleyes: ''Can you change it now for us, please? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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