Hope you don't work any where near them.
If so a bit of ostentatious mask wearing might not go amiss.;););)
If this is the case, then your employer might be said to be "Wilfuly putting you in harm's way", I think. In which case your solicitor would have them for breakfast.
I work within a few feet lol. At least, when I'm in the office.
I've just heard allegedly the ceo has sent letters to certain members of staff to tell them they are key workers, though that's only in his eyes
Cold but sunny here.
Bored stiff having to sit very near the phone while waiting for the Visa peeps to ring us so we can make an appointment to hand in the form and all the blessed paperwork.
Daren't move too far away as last time they rang I picked it up after three rings, (it took me that long to get to it) and they'd hung up.
As applications are now possible the floodgates have opened so of course they are ultra busy.
Eldest dottir's wedding (2nd) has been set, (put off 2 years thanks to Covid) and we are having to decide how we can organise going to it cos we hope to be in Frogland at the time. And no one we know will look after three dogs although bizarrely getting peeps to look after the chickens will not be a problem!:rolleyes: (we won't put them into kennels), so I might have to stay over there which wouldn't be a hardship.
Enjoy your day folks!
I work within a few feet lol. At least, when I'm in the office.
I've just heard allegedly the ceo has sent letters to certain members of staff to tell them they are key workers, though that's only in his eyes
Wot's the ventilation like? Nice stiff wind blowing from your desk to theirs?:D:D:D:D:D
Hope so!
And don't keep us in suspense. R U a key worker or not?;)
Well i don't work for Timpsons :D but i do work in IT so i do play a key role in keeping the business running.
So long as i have an internet connection and my company laptop, i can work from anywhere, it's all 'cloud'
Well in that case you could run an extension cable to your car, in the works car park and work from there, if the hub could still pick you up! Much safer! If your mobile is on they can ring you if you have to go to a meeting!:D:D:D
Or even Zoom from it!:D:D:D:D
Eat the clucks. Sorted :D
Nope, the clucks are not the problem, it's the doggies that are the hitch. We have friends in the village who keep chickens and all other sorts of poultry, but bizarrely they either don't have dogs or if they do they would be scared of us leaving ours with theirs in case they don't "get on". We have tried!
For the few days we'd be away some one could come in, collect the eggs, feed em and water em, (the hens obvs) put em in before the end of the day, or more simply foster them amongst their own lot. But the doggies, well we've had two years to try and sort it out so unless we come back and go out again on the ferry with the mutts which would cost a fortune, .....
Only thing we could do that would make sense would be to pay for a dog/house sitter, but they ain't cheap as nothing is cheap over there. And we'd have to find one, no luck so far. :(:(:(
We did use dog sitters over here. Very rarely, if we were forced, and they could be a right rip off. The companies expected us to pay for food as well, as give them lodging.
One lot sent a couple who were going to be using our place as a love nest. Only found out the day we were leaving and they turned up.
When we got back the cleaning lady told us, (she came for a coupla hours one day a week when we were away) that they came back from walking the dogs, put them back in the house, leads still attached and said to her "You can put them away we are off out for a pub lunch!":mad::mad::mad:
Well the Frog visa people haven't phoned yet.:rolleyes:
I've done the dishwasher and replaced the drive belt on my head unit. Which was a bit trickier that I though it would have been. what with it being square section anorl. But I daren't leave the house to fit it in case the dog and bone rings!:mad::mad::mad:
At least it does feel a touch tighter than the old one, as the bishop said to the actress. :eek::eek::D:D
Well the Frog visa people haven't phoned yet.:rolleyes:
I've done the dishwasher and replaced the drive belt on my head unit. Which was a bit trickier that I though it would have been. what with it being square section anorl. But I daren't leave the house to fit it in case the dog and bone rings!:mad::mad::mad:
At least it does feel a touch tighter than the old one, as the bishop said to the actress. :eek::eek::D:D
Not Digital Cellular home phones? We have 6 dotted all over the house. Can pocket one and go out to the garage or the garden; very handy. ;)

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