Early finish today mainly getting set up to do another roof & repair the chimney breasts
& a new window/dorma ..
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Don't be silly. 25 x 25 x 3 mm 3Metre length <£20.00 Go here... https://www.metals4u.co.uk/materials/mild-steel/mild-steel-box-section/2297-p
Well thanks for that, maybe I misunderstood the bloke and he meant for a 3 metre length.
But anyway I'm prepared to pay it as he'll cut me a length to length, so I only pay for what I need and he isn't too far away.
If he does turn out to be that much more pricey then I'll get it from your guys.
He was the only guy I rang as he is the nearest. :rolleyes::(
Well thanks for that, maybe I misunderstood the bloke and he meant for a 3 metre length.
But anyway I'm prepared to pay it as he'll cut me a length to length, so I only pay for what I need and he isn't too far away.
If he does turn out to be that much more pricey then I'll get it from your guys.
He was the only guy I rang as he is the nearest. :rolleyes::(
Sorry, didn't mean it to sound a harsh criticism, more like a "Wait, say WHAT!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
I get most of my metals from Metals4U; once you go over a certain level (£50??) they do free shipping.
Have you seen yet the guy who is posting in pure French?:eek:
Suspension problem on a D3 it would appear.:(
I tagged @gstuart . Sorry mate, tho I could translate if you fancy helping him!;)

Just viewed, it's hilarious. Pouvre Christian, he opens with "Bonjour à tous, je suis nouveau sur le site et je ne me suis pas encore présenté. désolé pour mon mauvais anglais...."

and then not a word of the Queen's...o_O

J’ai un discovery 3 2.7 tdv et aujourd’hui sur la route le voyant de défaut de suspension est allumé ainsi que le programme spécial par défaut.
en même temps la voiture descendait en vitesse et n’avait plus de puissance, je ne pouvais rouler qu’en 1ère vitesse, les autres vitesses, plus de puissance et impossible de gravir les pentes sauf en 1ère.quand j’éteins le contact et le remets en marche, la valeur par défaut disparaît lorsque j’appuie sur le joystick 4x4, les deux valeurs par défaut réapparaissent.
Je n’ai pas de fuites sur le réservoir d’air pouvez-vous m’aider
Je n’ai que cette voiture pour aller au travail
merci à tous
Just viewed, it's hilarious. Pouvre Christian, he opens with "Bonjour à tous, je suis nouveau sur le site et je ne me suis pas encore présenté. désolé pour mon mauvais anglais...."

and then not a word of the Queen's...o_O

J’ai un discovery 3 2.7 tdv et aujourd’hui sur la route le voyant de défaut de suspension est allumé ainsi que le programme spécial par défaut.
en même temps la voiture descendait en vitesse et n’avait plus de puissance, je ne pouvais rouler qu’en 1ère vitesse, les autres vitesses, plus de puissance et impossible de gravir les pentes sauf en 1ère.quand j’éteins le contact et le remets en marche, la valeur par défaut disparaît lorsque j’appuie sur le joystick 4x4, les deux valeurs par défaut réapparaissent.
Je n’ai pas de fuites sur le réservoir d’air pouvez-vous m’aider
Je n’ai que cette voiture pour aller au travail
merci à tous
Dunno if you've gone back to the thread but he did answer me in perfect English. After I answered him in French.:rolleyes:
Maybe he used Google translate, who knows.;)
At least he is being polite, so I'm trying to help the poor sod.:)
Don't know if we have anyone anywhere near Toulon in the Var.
Flipping D3s, I stay well away usually!:D
Sorry, didn't mean it to sound a harsh criticism, more like a "Wait, say WHAT!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
I get most of my metals from Metals4U; once you go over a certain level (£50??) they do free shipping.
No no, seriously, thanks a mill. It is so good to get cost comparison from someone who knows. Maybe @Bobsticle will have ideas as he must be using summat like this for his caravan thing.
I am trying to repair the rusty rear cross member of our feck off huge box trailer before we sell it and replace it with a car trailer to take the Pluriel with us to Frogland.
On further examination I am going to have to empty at least the rear part, raise the hugely thick ply, which i guess may well be marine ply, to be able to cut the old out, clean up and weld in new.
It's so far gone only the top and rear sides of the square tube are there.:eek::eek::eek:
This just crept up on me, it isn't visible from above or behind, I think it is due to me always leaving it nose high so rainwater runs off the back.:(:(:(:(:(
As so often it'll be a bigger and messier job than I thought, all for some other fecker to benefit from it, but then it'll help sell it to anyone who has a clue. ;);)
And I get to play with my stick welder which has been gathering dust for prolly 20 years or so?!:eek::eek:
Dunno if you've gone back to the thread but he did answer me in perfect English. After I answered him in French.:rolleyes:
Maybe he used Google translate, who knows.;)
At least he is being polite, so I'm trying to help the poor sod.:)
Don't know if we have anyone anywhere near Toulon in the Var.
Flipping D3s, I stay well away usually!:D

I know bugger all about D3's, but do like the Var. An uncle & aunt used to live near Saint-Jean, Entrecasteaux. They kept bees which made the finest of forest honey, had an excellent swimming pool and literally the worst taste in ties for Christmas gifts...I still come out in cold sweats when remembering the Hermes turquoise paisley silk jobbie. Out of courtesy I had to wear it all day, ghastly :eek:
the worst taste in ties for Christmas gifts...I still come out in cold sweats when remembering the Hermes turquoise paisley silk jobbie. Out of courtesy I had to wear it all day, ghastly :eek:
Good though rather expensive way of taking the michael for a day!!
You could of course have said "Oh this is so lovely I'll leave it in the packet and only get it out when I want to wear it "for best"!;););)
Toulon is the naval place isn't it?
Bit like Pompey maybe?
Never been there!;)
Good though rather expensive way of taking the michael for a day!!
You could of course have said "Oh this is so lovely I'll leave it in the packet and only get it out when I want to wear it "for best"!;););)
Toulon is the naval place isn't it?
Bit like Pompey maybe?
Never been there!;)

Toulon, yes...steeped in French naval history. There's some great French engineering from the area too. Re' Pompey, yes...though our oak, guns and naval warfare were always somewhat better.

Re' tie, it would have been discourteous if not worn plus I remember thinking it must have been a reject/in the sale as it was cut off weave and so never hung straight. Nothing worse than a twisted tie...
Toulon, yes...steeped in French naval history. There's some great French engineering from the area too. Re' Pompey, yes...though our oak, guns and naval warfare were always somewhat better.

Re' tie, it would have been discourteous if not worn plus I remember thinking it must have been a reject/in the sale as it was cut off weave and so never hung straight. Nothing worse than a twisted tie...
Nothing like having a wooden ship gunned with guns that need to be reloaded from outside the ship! Silly feckers!
Re the tie, I was only being facetious a la Frasier or Niles!
I too was once given a tie that twisted for a pastime. wore it to work until it drove me round the bend. Never could get on with tiepins, though I did have a bit of a habit of tucking most of it into my shirt if it really got on my wick.
Having had to wear one every working day, I haven't put one on since.
I'll have to practise tying one before dottirs wedding in May.;)
I do at least have some good/funny ones.
I have one that if you squeeze it plays some jaunty Christmas melody. I used to wear it just before the end of the winter term, it gave the kids a laugh. but one day I was in a full staff meeting, something rather serious was being said and I crossed my arms, without thinking. :rolleyes::mad:. AND once on there was no way of switching it off!:(:(:(

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