Well you should have had two more at about 1 p.m. so you're OK there.
You do control your rum intake well, I can't drink small ones and Wifey sometimes has to take the key to the tantalus with her to bed!:eek:
Enjoy the fry up, you have got every excuse, as if you needed one!!;):):):)

How posh Mr streamer :cool::D Control the intake haha nope tis measured using the glug glug a lug listening device. :D
How posh Mr streamer :cool::D Control the intake haha nope tis measured using the glug glug a lug listening device. :D
I put the measure next to the glass, when the booze reaches a line across the top of the measure, I stop!
Seriously, I don't measure it, but I can measure a double by eye, a single, ....... not so much! Used to do it as a barman and do watch what I give peeps who come to see us and have to drive.
The tantalus was bought because we always wanted one, it looks nice and has two decanters in it, one for brandy and one for whisky. Wood and silver plate, £40 at the antiques auction.
So we put not top of the range but not cooking varieties of each in them. Malts we keep in the bottles.
Just started doing the dreaded visa form, was on the visa wizard and wanted to go back to check summat. Couldn't so came right out and then tried to go back in again. Computer says "no".
I suspect it has crashed at their end as it seems to be doing this a lot.:rolleyes::mad:
Will have to try later, maybe after folks have gone to bed.:(
Still no fry up as all the cooker parts were in the dishwasher, tis happing noo tho :D
Who needs a cooker? just get the log burner open, or the fire pit!!

And there's the fried bread!

Yum yum!!!
Being on this fred and the welding fred you'll be confusing the sound of sizzling bacon with that of a good weld going down.
Hope she don't weld the rashers to the bottom of the pan.
Fried bread?
I do hope so!!!:):):):):)

Fried bread nope im going with some toast....
Who needs a cooker? just get the log burner open, or the fire pit!!

And there's the fried bread!


Luv the plate haha brings a whole new meaning to shovel it in :D:D
Eye is ere. Still at wuk. Counting down the seconds.

Sainsburys was tough yesdi. Din't av me yogguts. Was wotchin oot for me discounts. Me nectar sovs discounts showed up ont me zappa but the points din't. They din't show ont till or re-seat anorol. Eye was upset but kept going. Zapped me 0.46 sov discount oft me fone. It wurked. Then eye paid un left. Got back ter cassul hippo and messed wiv me app and after a bit it updated and showed the points eye was missing. So eye fink eye will trust it more int future knowing me discounted item points is being collected int background.
When eye was wurkin on me winda sunday er spyda gorrin un sat ont me winda sill. Laters he was ont skirtin board. Next day he were by the lite switch, diagonal across the room from said skirtin. This mornin eye spottid him ont sude ov me winda int kitchin. There be no flies ferrim to catch so eye put him ootside. Me bobbin was singin and jumpin between branches so eye put some meal wurms ont grass ferrim.
When eye was wurkin on me winda sunday er spyda gorrin un sat ont me winda sill. Laters he was ont skirtin board. Next day he were by the lite switch, diagonal across the room from said skirtin. This mornin eye spottid him ont sude ov me winda int kitchin. There be no flies ferrim to catch so eye put him ootside. Me bobbin was singin and jumpin between branches so eye put some meal wurms ont grass ferrim.

Maybe yer spyder works fer the local cassil checker uppers and you is now approved ...

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