I've ridden a 749, which is the same bike aside from the engine cc

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You youngsters have no eye for beauty at all :rolleyes:.
If the refund wasn't blocked then it would have gone through. Refunds are often used for scams which is why they have protection. Whats the 50:50? They said they will refund. Its just how they can do it.
I meant 50:50 on the credit card company pulling its weight and doing it for us, without us having to go to the trouble of using the small claims track.
Have to admit, well already have done, that this is the first time I have used a credit card. In the past they have come up with a reason why they can't.
The wife thinks Paypal may have blocked the refund coming through as the initial purchase was so long ago. But that means we have to believe that OFL actually tried to refund us.
I have already been through exactly this sort of malarkey with Carphone Warehouse. They owed us £300, they constantly asked us to send copies of paperwork that we had already sent them. In the end I was forced to use the small claims court as it was in that day and even then, I had to send the bailiffs in to get the money.:rolleyes:
The negative comments on Trustpilot are full of them behaving like this.
So, to sum up, they won't send a cheque, they won't do a BACS transfer, they won't refund it via the credit card. And this is all hopefully recorded. Even when I told them that if it comes to court I will subpoena both the CEO and the Finance Director into court.
They are calling my bluff.
I have in the past subpoena-ed a Personal Director into court, in a landlord-tenant case. He sho nuff appeared. If he didn't it would have been a criminal offence.
Make no mistake, I do not like doing this but it doesn't stress me, as I have done it all before.
B&Q was a funny one, we went through a mediator, on the phone, lots of phone calls both ways between the three of us, with the mediator's baby crying in the background.
B&Q paid up in the end. (I have yet to lose a case in consumer law).
Wifey off to her sewing group.
Weather......not worth mentioning.
This arvo will have a look at mending my head unit and starting the visa application form.:eek::eek::eek:
My back has played me up ever since Christmas, prolly caused by lifting heavy crates etc into the back of the Disco and up onto the special shelf I made. I've been ignoring it but it isn't getting better on its own. Just had a twinge while looking for some bacon in the fridge. ffs! Must get those trainers and on to the college.
Enjoy the rest of your day folks!
So the back is forcing you to sit around looking on LZ rather than getting out and about, eh?
What a PITA.:(:(:(
Do sympathise.
Still, the snooka's on. R o'S always a laugh!;););)

Yup I cant do much, walking about like hunchy I donnt want to aggravate it even more plus I aint
taking the pain killers solpadol or somit. Made me feel sick n have a fuzzy heed.
The misses is here too but she hates snooker. News is on atm. there's a laugh right there. :rolleyes:
wot aboot this one handed shot lol....

Yeah, saw that tother night.
Showboating or what?!
solpadol is solpadine with summat else in it, I'll have a look in a mo but I think it's codeine, or is that tramadol?
i ought to know as wifey has drawers and cupboards full of the stuff.
If you are that sensitive to stuff you could try simply taking Solpadine as in ornery cold cure, Or even just Paracetemol. It might just take the edge of it.
Just checked, both Solpadine and Solpadol contain both paracetomol and codeine, just in different strengths.
You can take 2 500 mg tabs of paracetomol 4 times a day. https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/paracetamol-for-adults/
I suspect it is the codeine making you woozy as it is a morphine derivative. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codeine#:~:text=Codeine is an opiate and,to moderate degrees of pain.
So If I was you I'd go for straight paracetomol and maybe Ibuprofen alongside it as the two drugs don't interact and cause a problem.
This is what I was given by the paramedic when I fell through the air and hit the ground hard on a training exercise when the "safety rope" gave way when i was halfway up a steep bank.
I gave that numpty a quick lesson on how to tie a knot, once I'd cooled down!
Yeah, saw that tother night.
Showboating or what?!
solpadol is solpadine with summat else in it, I'll have a look in a mo but I think it's codeine, or is that tramadol?
i ought to know as wifey has drawers and cupboards full of the stuff.
If you are that sensitive to stuff you could try simply taking Solpadine as in ornery cold cure, Or even just Paracetemol. It might just take the edge of it.
Just checked, both Solpadine and Solpadol contain both paracetomol and codeine, just in different strengths.
You can take 2 500 mg tabs of paracetomol 4 times a day. https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/paracetamol-for-adults/
I suspect it is the codeine making you woozy as it is a morphine derivative. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codeine#:~:text=Codeine is an opiate and,to moderate degrees of pain.
So If I was you I'd go for straight paracetomol and maybe Ibuprofen alongside it as the two drugs don't interact and cause a problem.
This is what I was given by the paramedic when I fell through the air and hit the ground hard on a training exercise when the "safety rope" gave way when i was halfway up a steep bank.
I gave that numpty a quick lesson on how to tie a knot, once I'd cooled down!

I will just take paracetamol & use the Ibuprofen gel, cant take them as tabs with apixaban.
Yer I think your right about the codeine, the misses is trying to get me to take them fook that.
Hot bath an a massage :D
I will just take paracetamol & use the Ibuprofen gel, cant take them as tabs with apixaban.
Yer I think your right about the codeine, the misses is trying to get me to take them fook that.
Hot bath an a massage :D
Good for you.
Only thing you have to watch with paracetamol is that if you double the proper dose, as some do, you are in danger of the overdose situation. but 1 1/2 times is prolly OK, but I never said that!!!
How's the rum doing?
Good for you.
Only thing you have to watch with paracetamol is that if you double the proper dose, as some do, you are in danger of the overdose situation. but 1 1/2 times is prolly OK, but I never said that!!!
How's the rum doing?

Ive only had two tabs today :) I had two rums last night one large n one small I didnt finish the latter.
Thinking about having a wee fry up that always hits the spot. :D
Ive only had two tabs today :) I had two rums last night one large n one small I didnt finish the latter.
Thinking about having a wee fry up that always hits the spot. :D
Well you should have had two more at about 1 p.m. so you're OK there.
You do control your rum intake well, I can't drink small ones and Wifey sometimes has to take the key to the tantalus with her to bed!:eek:
Enjoy the fry up, you have got every excuse, as if you needed one!!;):):):)

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