The ceilinbgs in the original 1936 bit of the house are all Lath & plaster as is one wall of the box-room. :)
Dunno when they stopped using it. All the ceilings in my 1928 place were like it.
I'd Google "plasterboard ceilings" if we weren't about to go out.
Just annoys me that every time you buy something to go on the wall they give you rawl plugs and screws to go in plaster. Spose there must be still lots of old places around.
Gottid me boosta. Eye booked it online but ont day yer could just walk int wivvoot booking. Roads was clear so eye went to sainsberrys. Car park was full. Busy inside anorl. Yer would fink peeps had betterer fings to do int ollydays than go choppin. Lookin at everyfink they int gonna buy. Gottid worreye wantid and left. Did all me washin up yesdi. 4 days wurf.
When we took the dogs out at Landy'send they pooped within yards of the car park. So I was able to scoop all 3 in the one bag.
As I was knotting the bag up and thinking where the nearest bin would be I noticed another bag, on the grass about a foot from the tarmac path. Some tw@t who couldn't be assed to do the necessary. And no, with 3dogs to look after plus it was blowing at about1000mph, I didn't pick the other one up.
At£4 to walk around the site..

At 1000mph the poo should have been blown away from the ejector chute..:D
I did see a picture once where people had been picking up the poo then throwing the bags onto trees.
The mind boggles sometimes. :confused:
New DVLA Rules

Introduction of new Clean Air Zones:

Greater Manchester and Bradford will introduce their own Clean Air Zones.

The Manchester Clean Air Zone will start on May 30, 2022, while a date is yet to be announced for the Bradford Clean Air Zone.

Red diesel and rebated biofuels will become illegal for most vehicles:
This measure will mostly affect businesses rather than individuals, and it restricts the lawful use of red diesel and rebated biofuels from April 1, 2022.

Red diesel is diesel used mainly off-road, such as for bulldozers and cranes, or to power drills for oil extraction.
The change is intended to promote the use of more sustainable fuels, as part of the UK's 2050 climate targets.

Mandatory speed limiters for all new cars:
The UK is likely to adopt a regulation approved by the European Parliament in 2019, which mandates all new cars to be fitted with speed limiters from July 6 2022 to improve road safety.

The UK has retained most EU laws for new cars to help standardise car manufacturing across Europe.

New buildings in England to have compulsory built-in EV chargers:
All new properties built in England from 2022, including housing and commercial buildings, will have to have an EV charging point installed.

Through the availability of more EV chargers, the government hopes to boost the uptake of electric vehicles ahead of the planned ban on the sale of new diesel and petrol cars in 2030.

Using your mobile phone while driving:
2022 will see stricter laws on the use of mobile phones coming into force.

While texting or calling while driving is already illegal, it will now also become an offence to take photos and videos, select a song on your playlist and play games on your phone while driving - even if you are stopped at a red light.

Failing to observe this rule could cost you a £200 fixed penalty and six points on your licence.
You will still be able to use your phone for directions, as long as it's secured in a cradle or you otherwise have hands-free access to it.

Changes to the Highway Code:
Changes to the Highway Code called Rule H1, Rule H2, and Rule H3 are planned to come into effect from January 29, 2022.

The changes will introduce a concept of hierarchy of road users according to who is most at risk in the event of a collision - without removing the need for everyone to behave responsibly.
Pedestrians - in particularly children, older adults and disabled people, followed by cyclists, horse riders and motorcyclists - are defined as more likely to be injured.

Rule H1 says that drivers of large goods and passenger vehicles bear the greatest responsibility to take care on the road, followed by vans/minibuses, cars/taxis and motorcycles. Cyclists, horse riders and horse drawn vehicles also have a responsibility to reduce danger to pedestrians.

Rule H2 requires drivers to give way to pedestrians at junctions as well as zebra, light controlled, and parallel crossings.

Rule H3 requires drivers to give priority to cyclists when they are turning into or out of a junction, or changing direction or lane.

Read the rules in detail.
New DVLA Rules

Introduction of new Clean Air Zones:

Greater Manchester and Bradford will introduce their own Clean Air Zones.

The Manchester Clean Air Zone will start on May 30, 2022, while a date is yet to be announced for the Bradford Clean Air Zone.

Red diesel and rebated biofuels will become illegal for most vehicles:
This measure will mostly affect businesses rather than individuals, and it restricts the lawful use of red diesel and rebated biofuels from April 1, 2022.

Red diesel is diesel used mainly off-road, such as for bulldozers and cranes, or to power drills for oil extraction.
The change is intended to promote the use of more sustainable fuels, as part of the UK's 2050 climate targets.

Mandatory speed limiters for all new cars:
The UK is likely to adopt a regulation approved by the European Parliament in 2019, which mandates all new cars to be fitted with speed limiters from July 6 2022 to improve road safety.

The UK has retained most EU laws for new cars to help standardise car manufacturing across Europe.

New buildings in England to have compulsory built-in EV chargers:
All new properties built in England from 2022, including housing and commercial buildings, will have to have an EV charging point installed.

Through the availability of more EV chargers, the government hopes to boost the uptake of electric vehicles ahead of the planned ban on the sale of new diesel and petrol cars in 2030.

Using your mobile phone while driving:
2022 will see stricter laws on the use of mobile phones coming into force.

While texting or calling while driving is already illegal, it will now also become an offence to take photos and videos, select a song on your playlist and play games on your phone while driving - even if you are stopped at a red light.

Failing to observe this rule could cost you a £200 fixed penalty and six points on your licence.
You will still be able to use your phone for directions, as long as it's secured in a cradle or you otherwise have hands-free access to it.

Changes to the Highway Code:
Changes to the Highway Code called Rule H1, Rule H2, and Rule H3 are planned to come into effect from January 29, 2022.

The changes will introduce a concept of hierarchy of road users according to who is most at risk in the event of a collision - without removing the need for everyone to behave responsibly.
Pedestrians - in particularly children, older adults and disabled people, followed by cyclists, horse riders and motorcyclists - are defined as more likely to be injured.

Rule H1 says that drivers of large goods and passenger vehicles bear the greatest responsibility to take care on the road, followed by vans/minibuses, cars/taxis and motorcycles. Cyclists, horse riders and horse drawn vehicles also have a responsibility to reduce danger to pedestrians.

Rule H2 requires drivers to give way to pedestrians at junctions as well as zebra, light controlled, and parallel crossings.

Rule H3 requires drivers to give priority to cyclists when they are turning into or out of a junction, or changing direction or lane.

Read the rules in detail.

Cyclists should pay tax & insurance if they intent to be on the roads, Miles of cycle lane near
here & they'd rather play in the traffic :confused: Tw@tts

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