Just helped my Baby Girl collect and fit an integrated washing machine ...

Some twunt had hard wired the old one into the ring main, by bringing the wires up into a non-fused spur ...

Forgot to take forstner bits so the door is not on, but the washing pile is being dealt with ...
Good for you, ive noticed a lot of dog do do not being picked up which really pi$$es me orf :mad:
Plus loads of it at the so called posh parts :rolleyes:
When we took the dogs out at Landy'send they pooped within yards of the car park. So I was able to scoop all 3 in the one bag.
As I was knotting the bag up and thinking where the nearest bin would be I noticed another bag, on the grass about a foot from the tarmac path. Some tw@t who couldn't be assed to do the necessary. And no, with 3dogs to look after plus it was blowing at about1000mph, I didn't pick the other one up.
At£4 to walk around the site..
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