... that I am really beginning to worry about the poor postie. I am sure s/he will be struggling tomorrow under the weight of all of those birthdays cards you will all have sent me.
Last year they had to take a week off sick because of the physical injuries sustained in hefting BOTH cards all the way to my address. :)

I has posted a large gem to @DanClarke care of Landy zone, I'm certain Bloo et Al will forward it to you. o_O
If they turns out to be bloodthirsty, feevin, dishonest hounds however, I wishes you the most pleasant, joyous an lovely Burpdi possible. :)

Jus try an stay upright:p
... that I am really beginning to worry about the poor postie. I am sure s/he will be struggling tomorrow under the weight of all of those birthdays cards you will all have sent me.
Last year they had to take a week off sick because of the physical injuries sustained in hefting BOTH cards all the way to my address. :)
Happy beday for tomoz. I've booked you in for a carbon dating test :D
Looks mint. Have the Loch Lomand bobbies not taken an interest in your wheel offset? Looks cool :cool: Presumably they're too busy chasing lost sheep ;)

Its cool but not mint (yet) I had these on it but they destroyed the diff & it would cost a small fortune to sort the gearing so went with the 35"s, there are loads of peeps with big offset wheels n tyres that stick oot lol
I will need to make bigger arches I might make some steel pipe ones & plate over the top.
20210801_102413 (1).jpg
Just helped my Baby Girl collect and fit an integrated washing machine ...

Some twunt had hard wired the old one into the ring main, by bringing the wires up into a non-fused spur ...

Forgot to take forstner bits so the door is not on, but the washing pile is being dealt with ...
Its cool but not mint (yet) I had these on it but they destroyed the diff & it would cost a small fortune to sort the gearing so went with the 35"s, there are loads of peeps with big offset wheels n tyres that stick oot lol
I will need to make bigger arches I might make some steel pipe ones & plate over the top.
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Aye, they'd probably be a bit rough on the drive train :) Certainly find the weakest link. Can you not get extended eyebrows, they'd be a lot easier to fit.

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