Guid evening
TGITH (Thank God Its The Holidays)
That's me finished for the holidays managed to accrue enough leave so off until the 5th January 2022 Yhipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Hope the weather perks up, today has been wet and so cold, looks like freezing rain ! later
Almost tea time, Oh how on earth did that wine cork manage to extract itself from the bottle ? better drink it before it goes off.
Enjoy the hol!!:):)
Went sainsberrys yesdi. Twas packed oot. Car park full but eye gottid me favourite parkin space. Spect to da ippo.

They gottid raddish. If eye buy it wot can eye do wivvit?

Got meself some woffuls. Box ses yer can purrem int towsta to cook. Tested it un they is rite. Eye had 4 today.

Gottid a white chocolut cheese cake wiv black current red current un blue berrys.
It is so dark I can't tell you what the weather is like today. The ground looked wet and It didn't seem cold when I let the little fellow out.

Who dun it? is the question. Last evening when I was in the kitchen preparing food for the gang, they were passing the time 'playing' with my knitting - the big 'un looked guilty but the little 'un had the wool wrapped round 'is legs. It took me over an hour to untangle the mess. :(

Getting very close now so enjoy your work today. :)

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