‘tis a bit fresh.
Just got light but is very dull although not frosty, as far as I can see. The little fellow is out as usual and the big un is in his bed, nothing new there then.

Off to the gold mines for our morning perambulation and then on to deliver the pressy to the groomer (she really does live remotely) before going back to pick up my repeat prescription from the quacks. Later it will be back to the sewing to try to get some more body belts and pads ready for the incontinent dog! (Not mine)

All shopping has been completed and I have no intention of going near another one for at least a week although it is fair to say that the local shops have not been crowded.

Hold on tight it's nearly here and then you can either put your feet up or annoy the neighbours as you work on your beloved Landies.:)
I would like a Harrison or Colchester but this was free and has the screwcutting gearbox. It also has powered cross feed so everything the others have but a lot cheaper!!
Biggest problem is the space they take up. I am going to have to stick with my little mini-lathe. It is a bit under powered/under-rigid but for 90% of what I actually do, it is good enough. :)
Powered cross-feed is a distant dream. :)
Biggest problem is the space they take up. I am going to have to stick with my little mini-lathe. It is a bit under powered/under-rigid but for 90% of what I actually do, it is good enough. :)
Powered cross-feed is a distant dream. :)
It is only 4 foot long but weights 500kgs!! Both of my lathes are around the same size and weight. I agree they are a lot bigger than a mini lathe and not required but nice to have!!
It is only 4 foot long but weights 500kgs!! Both of my lathes are around the same size and weight. I agree they are a lot bigger than a mini lathe and not required but nice to have!!
OMFG, I know nothing about lathes but always wanted one... wowezers thats heavy... I always wanted one of the EX ARMY util units with a big lath built in.... I have no idea they were so heavy.

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