It was a phone convo. So she might be a ten ton Tess for all i know. She is deffo older than me as her time at Sherbourne Girls school was even tougher than mine, in my all boys boarding school. She also owned the first ever Discovery in Oz.
We discovered we had a lot in common.:)
She's married to a Swede or summat, called Sven, and the surname is Scandyish too. Well travelled burd.

Sven the turnip o_O
My wee mum got a pre op letter in for her hip replacement, appointment for next monday
thats superb as she is suffering.
That's great news. My total hip replacement changed my life (for the better). Marvelous to be without the pain. :)
Wish her well from me and tell her to ask the anaesthetist to pack with an "Oxford Mix" makes the immediate aftermath so much more bearable. :)
I certainly will thanks very much. :) What is an Oxford Mix ??
It's a special post-op anaesthetic mixture that lasts a long time and reduces the post-op pain levels considerably. :)
My wife (ex theatre & recover nurse) made sure the anaesthetist I had (they knew each other) was going to put it in my wound. He did, it helped. :)
Op on the Friday, home (walking on a crutch) on the monday. :D

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