Your not supposed to open them now:rolleyes:.

They wasn't wrapped in Chrispmus paper and we had to check they wasn't bruked.;) but we ain't opened the botts yet.:):)
Oh yes, just remembered a mate also sent a bot and his was wrapped up so we don't know what's in it, yet!!!:eek:
Anyway, not a lot of point in taking them all to Cornywall. Prolly just take one gin, well maybe two, and a coupla whiskies. If it is tricky getting into pubs and stuff we don't want to run dry!!
Had a long convo with the owner's wife last night. Sounds a right game burd! I reckon we might be on for a session there. And she says all we can see from the house is cows and the garden is an acre big so plenty of room for the doggies to run around in, even if we don't get out that much.
Looking forward to it.:):):):)
They wasn't wrapped in Chrispmus paper and we had to check they wasn't bruked.;) but we ain't opened the botts yet.:):)
Had a long convo with the owner's wife last night. Sounds a right game burd! I reckon we might be on for a session there.

A degree of dampness would be a good indicator

See *1
Pics or it dint appen, thems the roolz.

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