I've got mine routed through my amp and big ass Wharfedales. I daren't turn it up any more than a quarter of the way cos I can't afford new windows.
Wifey and I missed a pair of B&Ws at the auction the other day. They went for silly money, i.e. not much.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
A Technics turntable went for £150.
Peeps who like the new "vinyl" are waking up to stuff like this. :rolleyes:
Morning all tis damp ootside not surprizing as it rained all day yestidy and all night & I was really
wanting to do some welding on my trailer. Im having the day off the misses wants a noo kitchen
& I need some decorating stuff. I feckn hate decorating. :rolleyes:

Have a nice day ya'll :):)
So did her day wonderin around in perfume and high heels result in this urge for a new kitchen? Or is she just bored with the old one?
Decorating? Tis a feckin disease!
Shame it's catching. Wifey gets it every so often..:(:(:(
Feck sake now she wants a noo puppy so we is lookin for a miniature english bull terrier.
Tell her you'd rather have a cocker then laugh for ages as she tries to hoover up the hair.
Oh feck, just remembered you don't have that much carpet do you. After all, how else could you hear the high heels!!
Wonder wot the prices are like? Bet they are as high as an elephant's eye!:(:(:(:(
Tell her you'd rather have a cocker then laugh for ages as she tries to hoover up the hair.
Oh feck, just remembered you don't have that much carpet do you. After all, how else could you hear the high heels!!
Wonder wot the prices are like? Bet they are as high as an elephant's eye!:(:(:(:(

My mate has just been offered a cocker/springer mix think its 8 months lovely dog the owners cant
look after it as they already have a young lab & 4 young kids they paid 2k for it. I was looking at prices
bloody hell between 2 & 4.5k & all miles from us, I knew that would be the case the one we have now
came from Neath.

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