That's what I thought, and as you don't have to strike the weld like you do in both other types I might get on with it better, although once struck I do fine with arc and I have no problems getting the slag off.
Or am i wrong about striking the weld arc fing?:confused:
TIG welding is in 2 "Start" flavours.
One is "scratch/lift" start (so you touch down and lift-off to start the arc.
The other is High Frequency start (like a little lightning storm) that sparks up all on its own across the gap as you press the button/pedal.
Evening folks:)

well you lot seem to be licked all over again:)
But at least we is appy well most of us:)

I am all trusts and tax planed out;) my god do they know how to charge:eek:
Plan ‘B’ **** it all away is looking better by the min:D.
Ticket booked to go ome :D
Took me instant COVID test today so could go see Bruv but he has another infection so was at docs and then sleeping. So tomorrow now:(

anyway happy thoughts peep:):)

"Trusts" you say.... Hmmmm.... are these ermmmm... "Tax-avoidanceEfficiency" type things to stop HMRC stealing all your hard earned dosh?
Always been interested in having a "family trust" to protect our assets from tax and pass on to kids etc.
Found me little screw driver hex bit fings. They is int a red box. Found em when eye couldn't find a trip plug. So eye has bortid anuvva trip plug ter go ont me freeza ter sea iffits the fing thats trippin me power. It int tripped so far. Paid me credit card last nite. Tis still wukkin.
Prices for proper pedigree ones are crazy.
Why not get a rescue? I think this is what we'll have to do as all of ours have been spayed cos breeding, what with France anorl, is so difficult. There are lots of cocker mixes around. Peeps love their nature but hate vacuuming their fur up. Cockerpoo etc. They ought to be cheaper but I dunno!:):):)
My dog's groomer breeds Cockers as well as Beardies. It is great fun meeting the pups and watching them play. During the pandemic she has done very little breeding as she is very particular who takes on ownership and refused to take part in price inflation.
So today is the old MIL's 92nd Birthday. :D:D:D:D
Who turns up? Just me and the Missus. :(:(:(:(
No grandkids (who keep telling me and missus "we all need to look after Nan"), and her Son called to say he was feeling unwell (the little lovie) was OK on Sunday when he ate the free dinner apparently.
She may not make nother year and these tw@ts just can't be ar$ed. Makes me so cross. :mad::mad::mad:
Oops! are we a bit "dusty" now then? ;)
& muddy…..
I used my air line to blow most of it out but more has appeared.I think I may have to give the truck washers some extra chocolate. Mud everywhere

Prices for proper pedigree ones are crazy.
Why not get a rescue? I think this is what we'll have to do as all of ours have been spayed cos breeding, what with France anorl, is so difficult. There are lots of cocker mixes around. Peeps love their nature but hate vacuuming their fur up. Cockerpoo etc. They ought to be cheaper but I dunno!:):):)

Tis my mate whos getting the cocker, the cockappoos are pricey up here.
We rescued one before he's been gone two years now, what a nightmare for the first year but
turned out a great dog. Trouble is the misses would want to take them all so we aint going near
the re-homing centre we'd end up with whole dam lot. o_O

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