Morning All :D
Cool but dry out here. :)
Bins put out, paper's got, just sipping my coffee because its so hot.
Back Cracker @ 10:15 this morning. :) I need to ask him about exercising. Load lifting is a no-no, but what exercises can I do?
Have a really great day folks. :D
Morning all tis damp ootside not surprizing as it rained all day yestidy and all night & I was really
wanting to do some welding on my trailer. Im having the day off the misses wants a noo kitchen
& I need some decorating stuff. I feckn hate decorating. :rolleyes:

Have a nice day ya'll :):)
Good evening from Stoke on Trent
Off to 7oaks(well what’s left of them) in the morning. Hoping to be round the m25 before the glue people are out.
I think the police should just leave them glued to the floor, then clear the area and prevent anyone entering the 'zone'. Leave them to beg for 'mercy' - they'll soon get cramp, cold, wet and 'ungry.:)

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