Evening folks:)

well you lot seem to be licked all over again:)
But at least we is appy well most of us:)

I am all trusts and tax planed out;) my god do they know how to charge:eek:
Plan ‘B’ **** it all away is looking better by the min:D.
Ticket booked to go ome :D
Took me instant COVID test today so could go see Bruv but he has another infection so was at docs and then sleeping. So tomorrow now:(

anyway happy thoughts peep:):)

Well the blessed clock is still ticking away and keeping good time, in its horizontal face down position!:rolleyes:
I have resigned myself to having to grind some off the outside of a 5mm socket, 3/16th seems to be a shade on the tight side.
Weird considering it was made in 1947, and is from the 8th batch. Made in England too.
Took dog to the vets to get her stitches out. got her back in the car after about 3/4 of an hour, gave her a wee stroke on the tumnmy and ......... felt he had missed a stitch.:rolleyes:
Wifey and I will have to do it tomoz now.:(
Had chicken and mushroom pie, home made, for dins, great!
Sleep tight folks!
Morning All :D
A cool morning today. NO papers...AGAIN! :(
Bone crackers at 10:30, will discuss my awful night with him I think. :(
I'm now getting the numb arms not when I wake up, but about 10 minutes after I lie down (which seems worse to me).
Hey-Ho, have a lovely day! :D
Apparently, there have been a number of reports from people complaining about numb arms following having their covid jabs or covid itself. The condition is known as GBS Guillain-Blair Syndrome, or summat like that.

Morning all im having the day off, the misses was up as she is away to glasgow, how different are
wimins when they get first....all lights on breakfast tv blearing thumping about in hi heels place stinks of
perfume & not even out the kettle on wtf is that all about...

Me = kettle on check the fire, only bath room light on sneaking about in my trainers in the dark
trying to be quiet, then stick a hot water bottle in the bed before I leave.

Anhoo I got up to move the landy so she could get her car out, grabbed a pair of jeans out
the drawer, jumped into landy & felt a lump in me pocket.....150 quid & 2 poo bags result :D

Have a good day ya'll :):)

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