The torrent file is :
But it is 20.3GB :)
There is a 1080P version torrent:

Ive sent it to my pal as I dont download anything. ;)
...That Thom and I (but mostly Thom) managed to put in 7 posts and 6 panels.
I ache, and my smart-watch says I have walked over 4 miles and burnt 500 calories.
The silly neighbour next door keeps sneaking out to watch us to check we are not "stealing her land" by changing the string that defines the agreed post-line. :confused:
Yesterday she moved the string from one side of the end post to the other. This is a difference of 4" over a length of 80 feet. :)
That's an @shimsterion pizza slice 4" wide at the wide end and 0" wide 80 feet away.

Christ, what a big land grab I would be making. :rolleyes:

View attachment 250812
Yer but no but did yer move it back?
.....that fecking Norton is being as awkward as it is possible to be about my stopping my sub and wanting my money back. I can no longer get them to even chat to me.
I remember now why I was thinking of renewing but with another company. cos my AVG one was started at a time when I would normally be in Frogland, and I usually set it up in the winter.
However, i now have AVG running on this one.
I will uninstall Norton and write to the cnuts at their head office in Eire.
At least i have managed to stop automatic renewal.
Grrrrrr! I am fecking furious about all this, and it is wasting so much of my time. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Of course that is their aim. To cling onto my dosh like grim death as they must have already sussed I'll never go with them again.:mad::mad::mad::mad:
shud be aybul ter refund it online wivvoot talking to peeps:
Tis gerrin cold and eye needs ter go ter bed. Eye finished oft the first box of fish cakes this evening. Me freezer continued ter wuk. Eye bortid it an rcd plug so iffit trips it dun't take out me fridge. Eye fink it's the freezer as eye was int kitchin and it turned ont at the same time the power tripped. Eye has had the sockits oft the wall to havva look attum but they be ok. So eye will after wait tillit appens again. Process of elimination.
Picked up the cat poop ont me grass ter day. Cuddunt find me bag eye gottid from wuk so eye used some bubble wrap and an asda choppin bag that asda frew int me front gardin. Tis all int burnabul bin now. Tissa nice feeling ter know it's going to the council.
Are you sure it is cat poop and not hedgehog? A cat is so fastidious it normal buries its droppings.:)

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