Yer I believe everyfink on wheeler dealers o_O What about glass balustrade or clear polycarbonate
same as what we used on the hot tub housing although it will scratch over time then you will have to
wet flatten & polish it.
We used a place in glasgow which there name escapes me atm, they sell open fire grates ect
I had a quick search have a look on the linky it gives you an idea of costs & whats available then
a bit local googling youd find somewhere closer/cheaper.:)
Picket Bar Infills - Twisted Bar (
Yep we thort of glass but it's expensive as heck and can be a bit trickier to put up. Plus, as you say would need cleaning all the time. Polycarbonate? wouldn't be so tricky to put up, and you can at least drill it for fixings. Might be an idea!
Thanks for the link, mate! I'll have a look later but as you say, at least with glass or polyc you can see through it easier. Wifey originally wanted glass but changed her mind when she saw the price. Don't forget this will be in Frogland where everything is twice the price. But I might be able to get away with transporting polycarbonate there.
Will have to look into this.
.....that fecking Norton is being as awkward as it is possible to be about my stopping my sub and wanting my money back. I can no longer get them to even chat to me.
I remember now why I was thinking of renewing but with another company. cos my AVG one was started at a time when I would normally be in Frogland, and I usually set it up in the winter.
However, i now have AVG running on this one.
I will uninstall Norton and write to the cnuts at their head office in Eire.
At least i have managed to stop automatic renewal.
Grrrrrr! I am fecking furious about all this, and it is wasting so much of my time. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Of course that is their aim. To cling onto my dosh like grim death as they must have already sussed I'll never go with them again.:mad::mad::mad::mad:
Yep we thort of glass but it's expensive as heck and can be a bit trickier to put up. Plus, as you say would need cleaning all the time. Polycarbonate? wouldn't be so tricky to put up, and you can at least drill it for fixings. Might be an idea!
Thanks for the link, mate! I'll have a look later but as you say, at least with glass or polyc you can see through it easier. Wifey originally wanted glass but changed her mind when she saw the price. Don't forget this will be in Frogland where everything is twice the price. But I might be able to get away with transporting polycarbonate there.
Will have to look into this.

Can you not buy here & take it with you or are you not taking the trailer next time, ive had another
thought using stainless steel wire kit that we used in the summer as long as youve got something
at each side you can secure the hooks/eyelets onto or fit posts, I will find the site we used for you.
Then let the misses decide. I was looking for pictures they must be on my external drive. :)
.....that fecking Norton is being as awkward as it is possible to be about my stopping my sub and wanting my money back. I can no longer get them to even chat to me.
I remember now why I was thinking of renewing but with another company. cos my AVG one was started at a time when I would normally be in Frogland, and I usually set it up in the winter.
However, i now have AVG running on this one.
I will uninstall Norton and write to the cnuts at their head office in Eire.
At least i have managed to stop automatic renewal.
Grrrrrr! I am fecking furious about all this, and it is wasting so much of my time. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Of course that is their aim. To cling onto my dosh like grim death as they must have already sussed I'll never go with them again.:mad::mad::mad::mad:

I had all that hassle with Norton years ago, I got offered a free year with them no thanks poke it.
Can you not buy here & take it with you or are you not taking the trailer next time, ive had another
thought using stainless steel wire kit that we used in the summer as long as youve got something
at each side you can secure the hooks/eyelets onto or fit posts, I will find the site we used for you.
Then let the misses decide. I was looking for pictures they must be on my external drive. :)
We have three-feck off big pillars so securing stuff to them ain't too difficult. About 4 metres between each, I think. Thanks ever so much for all this. We are very grateful for all suggestions. :):):)
Back ome an caught up on me licks. Loasa fun driving round the forest in me Tratter. Not many waves back mind you, snooty bastids :) Tratter happy, found a few puddles :D
Log burner a bit grumpy an the house felt chilly, all up an running now and feelin much betterer after a baff, I missed me baff.
Sausages on, proper butcher jobs, kitchen smells fab :)
If I knew what BLUF meant. I might, but then again I might not!
One man's or woman's tome is another man/woman's gentle read!;)

Makes two of us.. Ang on a minute..

OK, he prolly means Bottom Line Up Front, a military term that means messages get the who what when why how out of the way soon as possible. Which is good, right? :)

Or, less likely, it's..
Which isn't not good necessarily , depends on your point of view :p
Last edited:
We have three-feck off big pillars so securing stuff to them ain't too difficult. About 4 metres between each, I think. Thanks ever so much for all this. We are very grateful for all suggestions. :):):)

No worries its all about helping out aint it :);) This is the site & gear we used.....
Plant Training Wire Kits - Wire Plant Supports | S3i Group
I cant find the pics of it fitted :( Easy to fit, I screwed the eyelet halfway in then clamped it up
then screwed it in using a screwdriver through the loop to take up the tension(worked a treat) :)
Loads of different options for clamps/thickness of cable ect
Where did you Dune load it from.
The torrent file is :
But it is 20.3GB :)
There is a 1080P version torrent:

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