They are doing great thanks for asking, dad has been for a 10 mile walk yesterday they had very little
covid symptom's, im glad but my dad would say he was well even if he wasnt. :rolleyes:
Mum is waiting for a date for her hip replacement sooner the better as she is in a lot of pain.
Tis cr@p when you cant help.:(
Glad to hear the Covid isn't hitting them too hard.
Your mum, once she's had the op, should feel a lot better, altho she may not go back to as good as new. Wifey didn't do the exercises as she should have done.:mad::mad::mad:
AND she tripped over a dog not long after it and fell slightly damaging the area, had to have another op and has not gone back to how it was even after the op.
So that's two things to watch out for!!
All the best with it!:):):)
Why renew norton when eye got yer running avg instead?
You are dead right and I think I do have capacity on my AVG for another machine. I'm talking to Norton about the protection I had on just the one machine, the old one, which I still use more than the others.
But I do have AVG on my new lap top and my phone.
SO I will have to make sure AVG will cover the old machine, cancel my contract with Norton and get my dosh back.
But thanks for reminding me. I had thought of it but then that solution slipped my mind. :rolleyes:
I knew I had the time to sort it all out. Just knind of snuck into my normal habit.
Thanks again Mate!:):):):):)

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