You should be able to see the vein running down the middle of the claw, cut 1/8" short of that and it'll be fine, you have to take care or they can grow long enough to pierce the footpad ... and you can hear them tap, tapping over hard floors ...

Have a witch hazel pencil handy, same as for shaving cuts, just in case ...
Thank you! Much appreciated.
Yup, again ... they say 'anyone can make a mistake' ...true I know that, but it doesn't make it any better that I have to have the carpet cleaned again as he may not notice for hours ... plus washing him, socks, trousers etc ...
Is there no inline valve available that defaults to "off", and has to be purposely set to "on"?
Only helpful if the user/wearer is fully compos-mentis and turns it to "open" when required to prevent kidneys getting backed-up.
Is there no inline valve available that defaults to "off", and has to be purposely set to "on"?
Only helpful if the user/wearer is fully compos-mentis and turns it to "open" when required to prevent kidneys getting backed-up.

No, it's as cheap as can be, just a plastic lever valve, on for 'flow' off for not ... they get rinsed overnight for next day, called a 'leg-bag' and worn strapped to the lower leg ... they just forget to turn the valve appropriately ...
...Is the vet in?
Our one remaining cat is a timid creature and doesn't venture outside much.
As a result her rear claws are getting too long. Her front claws she self-trims by ripping at the various mats and runners around the house, but the back ones are razor sharp and overly long.
I notice that she is ripping lumps out of herself when she uses her rear legs to scratch various itches (notably around her neck, behind her ears and on top of her head).
She's been de-flea'd but that's not the only reasons cats/dogs scratch.
Rather than pay someone 50-60 notes to trim her claws I am willing to have a go myself, but I suspect holding onto an indignant cat will be a challenge.
I have some decent clippers (proper spring-loaded plier type) that will do the job. How much do you cut off? About 1/3rd? I certainly don't want to cut her to the quick.
It will take 2 of us because she will panic, and herself isn't keen to take part in this operation but if we don't do it, its neglecting our duty I feel.
Any knowledgeable advice out there?
We do our dog's but cat's is prolly different, soooooooooo.........
Mornin all!
It's been pizzin down ere. Left the door open knowing the dogs would be running out and straight back in again.;);););)
Croissants and café olé drunked already.
Wifey watching the auction on line as she has a coupla bids in. Two oil lamps and a cast iron stick stand.
@Dippypud , any point in putting a big sign on the back of the door the carers leave by, saying "Please check you turned his catheter valve to "open"." ?????
Interesting to see that all cats' claws are clear enough to be able to see the quick. With our dogs' claws you can't so have to be very careful. Often we have to file them as once cut they have a sharp edge and can cut themselves when scratching, which they do for no good reason really as they don't have fleas either!
Wifey has given us the weekend off!!!!! Can't beeeleeeve it!!!!!!!!!:):):):):):):). (We normally only get Sundays off.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:)

Have a great day folks.:):):):):)
I knew it was beggard so fort you was just playin. Wifey can never unnerstand why i takes things apart that are bust and I never have the intention of fixing. I try to explain to her that I just like to see how it works and what went wrong. (Hee, Hee, i then buy the spare parts and fix it, or fix it anyway.) Our huge coolbox is on that list as it packed in one the way back from Frogland, fortunately only became boosted completely at our mate's place so we were able to store stuff in his freezers and fridge till we came home. We never use the "keep warm" function, it's just the switch, I'm prepared to solder the wires in solid to the pump/cooling thing, but wifey wants to "buy a new one". I cannot convince her that she won't get one as big and good as this fecker no matter how much she spends as they just don't make em like that any more.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Feckin Dyson is next on the list, no matter how many times i tell her that no hoover in the world will pick up the white hairs that come off our youngest dog. They must have invisible barbs.:rolleyes:
Gerra henry. They does a pet one. And an airo roller brush. Much cheaper.
The magnitude of an earthquake that hit the Vanuatu Islands region in the Pacific Ocean has been revised from 6.7 to 7.2 by the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC).

No tsunami warning has been issued by the US Tsunami Warning system.

Seems to be a lot of the Earth having shiverings and shakings ...

A 5.9-magnitude earthquake has occurred along the Peru-Brazil border region. The tremor struck at around 13:02 GMT on 2 October, the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre reports. No casualties have been reported so far.

...Is the vet in?
Our one remaining cat is a timid creature and doesn't venture outside much.
As a result her rear claws are getting too long. Her front claws she self-trims by ripping at the various mats and runners around the house, but the back ones are razor sharp and overly long.
I notice that she is ripping lumps out of herself when she uses her rear legs to scratch various itches (notably around her neck, behind her ears and on top of her head).
She's been de-flea'd but that's not the only reasons cats/dogs scratch.
Rather than pay someone 50-60 notes to trim her claws I am willing to have a go myself, but I suspect holding onto an indignant cat will be a challenge.
I have some decent clippers (proper spring-loaded plier type) that will do the job. How much do you cut off? About 1/3rd? I certainly don't want to cut her to the quick.
It will take 2 of us because she will panic, and herself isn't keen to take part in this operation but if we don't do it, its neglecting our duty I feel.
Any knowledgeable advice out there?
When sed cat is standing ont floor, put a towel over it. Lift sed cat by pushing the towel under it's belly, then fold the towel round its legs to stop sed legs fallin oft. Then gerra second person to find the legs while yer hold it still wiv sed towel wrapped round it.

Ah dunt know how far to cut.
Yer but no but av yer gorra screwdfix, wix, omebase un bnq?
When sed cat is standing ont floor, put a towel over it. Lift sed cat by pushing the towel under it's belly, then fold the towel round its legs to stop sed legs fallin oft. Then gerra second person to find the legs while yer hold it still wiv sed towel wrapped round it.

Ah dunt know how far to cut.
Yes, we were hoping to swaddle her in an old bath towel and just fish a rear leg/foot out for clipping.
She is so timid, she will go loopy. :( She usually runs away and hides up the top of a tree when we have to treat her for anything. :(

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