I use them things all the time.
The secret is to not drill an ole at all, but to bash one gently through with a big philips screw driver, then use the proper tool to pull the things towards the plasterboard which expands the legs as it should. The hole needs to be tight enough that you have to hammer the fixing gently to get it to go through the hole.
Any of these should do
...Is the vet in?
Our one remaining cat is a timid creature and doesn't venture outside much.
As a result her rear claws are getting too long. Her front claws she self-trims by ripping at the various mats and runners around the house, but the back ones are razor sharp and overly long.
I notice that she is ripping lumps out of herself when she uses her rear legs to scratch various itches (notably around her neck, behind her ears and on top of her head).
She's been de-flea'd but that's not the only reasons cats/dogs scratch.
Rather than pay someone 50-60 notes to trim her claws I am willing to have a go myself, but I suspect holding onto an indignant cat will be a challenge.
I have some decent clippers (proper spring-loaded plier type) that will do the job. How much do you cut off? About 1/3rd? I certainly don't want to cut her to the quick.
It will take 2 of us because she will panic, and herself isn't keen to take part in this operation but if we don't do it, its neglecting our duty I feel.
Any knowledgeable advice out there?

Fook that I hope yous dont get shredded, my mate ended up in hospital trying to do the same
& the cat kicked his ass, bloody thing mauled him.
Wifey for some inexplicable reason decided to hit the sauce at about 2 pm this arvo and has been on it ever since. She is now in bed having eaten half of the salad type dinner she managed to concoct for herself!
I joined her in the sauce hitting so the rest of the day has been a delightful haze. I ate steak and a sort of ratatouille for dins and we both enjoyed a final bot of red. She may have a bit of a head tomoz!
Hope you all had a fun Satdi!:):):):):)
Our leaf blower was a leaf sucker, but the mice got into the mesh stuff so it's a no go now. :(:(:(
We just look very carefully at all "fall out" on the lawn and hope for the best!;););)

I found one lying next to the bins in the boat yard (leaf blower not recycled dog food) as I was driving passed in the manitou so I chucked it on the front & threw it in the workshop. One of the other lads
came in as asked where I got it...at the bins ah fk sake I stashed it there as he found it haha
I offered him it back he said nope it wasnt running...
On inspection it was on suck mode & the tube was blocked so I unblocked it an it started 3rd pull haha

It can be used as a sucker or a blower....
I found one lying next to the bins in the boat yard (leaf blower not recycled dog food) as I was driving passed in the manitou so I chucked it on the front & threw it in the workshop. One of the other lads
came in as asked where I got it...at the bins ah fk sake I stashed it there as he found it haha
I offered him it back he said nope it wasnt running...
On inspection it was on suck mode & the tube was blocked so I unblocked it an it started 3rd pull haha

It can be used as a sucker or a blower....
Are you sure you do not have a funny sort of glowing ring thing about 6" above your head at all times?
You are not of this world.
You must walk on water.
I have met some lucky blokes in my time but NEVA one as lucky as you. :rolleyes::mad::(:):):):):):):)
Are you sure you do not have a funny sort of glowing ring thing about 6" above your head at all times?
You are not of this world.
You must walk on water.
I have met some lucky blokes in my time but NEVA one as lucky as you. :rolleyes::mad::(:):):):):):):)

That's funny my mates say things like that all the time :):) You'll remember this.....
I'm just contemplating a tray which resides on a table in between Wifey's and my chair.
On it is a decanter full of brandy another with whisky in it, an empty bottle of white wine and a bottle of Creme de cassis for making kirs with said white wine and a bottle of Dalwhinnie winter's Gold. To say nothing of the bot of red that got decanted drank and removed with the dinner stuff.
We don't drink like this all the time but it is fun when we do!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Retirement can be fun!:):):):):)

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