I knew it was beggard so fort you was just playin. Wifey can never unnerstand why i takes things apart that are bust and I never have the intention of fixing. I try to explain to her that I just like to see how it works and what went wrong. (Hee, Hee, i then buy the spare parts and fix it, or fix it anyway.) Our huge coolbox is on that list as it packed in one the way back from Frogland, fortunately only became boosted completely at our mate's place so we were able to store stuff in his freezers and fridge till we came home. We never use the "keep warm" function, it's just the switch, I'm prepared to solder the wires in solid to the pump/cooling thing, but wifey wants to "buy a new one". I cannot convince her that she won't get one as big and good as this fecker no matter how much she spends as they just don't make em like that any more.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Feckin Dyson is next on the list, no matter how many times i tell her that no hoover in the world will pick up the white hairs that come off our youngest dog. They must have invisible barbs.:rolleyes:

Yup I was just playin I needed to know why it was knocking. :D:D

Hoovers dont go there lol Our noo dyson is cr@p.
Yup I was just playin I needed to know why it was knocking. :D:D

Hoovers dont go there lol Our noo dyson is cr@p.
When you took the box apart did you find bits of metal at the bottom of the box? Or gnarled up gears?
We have two Dysons of apparently the same model. I kept the first one, despite it blowing its motor after not very long at all. I bought the second one cheap refurbed by a local guy who does it in his house.
Today Wifey broke the very last bit off the handle that you hold when removing the thing that contains all the dust and cr@p.
So i went in the loft, took the same bit off the old one, cleaned it up, put it on the other one and told her to get on and try it. As soon as it started there was a little sort of flap noise and it was obvious that there was a leak. On closer examination there were tiny little differences between the two models. Fuckers!
Thing is, we will only need a Hoover for the lounge carpet until after I have finished the utility as then Wifey insists we will be changing the carpet for a wooden floor. :rolleyes:
But i overheard her on the phone to a mate today saying "there will be big mat or a small carpet in the middle.":rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Oh fecking yeah?????
And what will you clean that with? Will it be resistant to dog hairs????
Give me strength!:(:(:(:(:(
Stolen from tw@tter but a useful tool to help yers all save money ahead of the cold snap (BBC weather forecast, so could be tropical yet) you’re welcome ;)
At this moment we don’t live in any of our UK properties. Even then it’s still a bit of a minefield the way the gov now want the inheritance tax:(

But open to any suggestions :D.


As as has been said ^^^^

The Gov. has changed the rules on Trusts, so get advice, but the idea is;

8b. Make gifts
Gifting is an often overlooked but highly effective way of reducing the value of your estate for inheritance tax. There are no limits on the number of gifts you can make.

Giving away assets while you are alive still requires careful financial planning. You need to work out how much you can afford to give away whilst still ensuring that you have enough to meet your own needs.

Depending on how you structure the gift will determine how much inheritance tax is saved. There are two forms of gifting, known as “potentially exempt transfers” and “chargeable lifetime gifts”.

Potentially exempt transfers

A potentially exempt transfer is where you make an outright gift (i.e., you do not transfer money into a trust). You can make unlimited gifts in this way without any immediate inheritance tax charge.

If you survive for seven years from making the gift, it falls outside of your estate and there is no inheritance tax liability.

If you die within seven years, then some or all of the gift will be included in your estate for inheritance tax. The amount that is subject to inheritance tax will depend when the gift was made. If it was within 3 years, then the full amount is subject to inheritance tax. If it was between 3 – 7 years ago, then only part of the gift is subject to inheritance tax.

But tailored for you and your circs ... :cool:
The magnitude of an earthquake that hit the Vanuatu Islands region in the Pacific Ocean has been revised from 6.7 to 7.2 by the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC).

No tsunami warning has been issued by the US Tsunami Warning system.

Seems to be a lot of the Earth having shiverings and shakings ...
Skies are darkening..:eek: But I int fry tinned, inna Tratter wif noo door seals intie :D
Picked up a plug-in leccy blanket cheap recently, swmbo an fuzzybutt will be ok :)

Will try an top up me doozil today, but I int gunna queue for ages. Strikes me that peeps are in such a flap they will try an fill up everyday 'jus in case..' which is making it all the worse. Client of swmbo asked her if I would get a jerry of fool for her coz she's down to a quarter of a tank. She only drives three miles a week!:rolleyes:
I declined to acquiesce to her request :)
Wimblowdriver Towers is in Linkinshireshire. I Likes it, a lot more peaceful than that there south east where I spent the previous 30++ odd years. And yes we got leccy, water, gas. All connected to the mains :cool:.
My parents place is not mains gas or waste but does have mains water. Our new place has all the mod cons so we should be ok ;)
This is why we need @My Old Landy to put a pin on the map so we can go round hand welcome him in. Some good prisons in the county ;)
About 18 miles from you :)

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