First of the month and needed to tax me bike. But could I find the reminder with the number for online taxing? :rolleyes: No, because I put it somewhere safe where it would not get lost, three weeks ago. Had to search for the V5c and use the number off there, suppose I'll come across the other bit of paper sometime.
I was playing at taking landy fings apart.......
Good init o_O:D:D
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Home safe from my Friday road trip to collect baby Grumplin' from the childminders ...
Baby fed, played with, bathed and read a story, by the time Daddy came home she was fast asleep on Nana and Nana was fast asleep on the sofa ...
And it was only seven o'clock ... back home in my house now ...
It bounced down with heavy rain all night long BUT has repaid us by going away by 8am and leaving the coast clear for a lovely sunny, pleasant day.:)
I've just left my slow cooker on hoping it will reward me with a wonderful beef stew when I return this evening. I'm off on a car 'ramble'. :)
I hope you have had similar luck with the weather and are enjoying your day.
Fingers crossed for today, @My Old Landy.

We're forecast an uvver belter of a day tomorrow, wind, rain and all sorts, which is a bugger coz I gots stuff to do ...

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