Ahh, Desmond ........... obviously :rolleyes:


D _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _
Afternoon folks:).

Well thats another days work done:) (term used very loosely:p).

Been in a bit of E-mail ping pong with the passport office, why cant they just answer the bloody question:mad::mad:. I have 2:eek: (legally I might add). 1 runs out Jan 21 and the other Dec 23. 1 is primary and 1 is 2nd(extra) I now dont know which is which and have asked which 1 is which and if I just let the Jan expire then continue using the Dec. which obviously suits me/situation better. Was told to make an application for a new 1 and surrender both;). Thanks prick for the help:mad:.

Anyway that all went out the window last night as got call from Mum & Dad and it was not really expected but Brother is on the downhill and has been given months:(:(:( He was doing so well. So anyway I am looking at coming back to the UK to see him, Mum & Dad.
So the passport has become a minor niggle right now.
Just got to work out what I need to do covid test wise, then sort some flights.

Dont mean to put a downer on your weekend folks sorry:).

Don't worry mate, we understand. (My bro is very ill too.)
We're here for the bad times as well as the good and the laughs.
You'll need a PCR test up to three days before you fly, to get on the web and find the "passenger locator form" (Gov.uk)
and fill it in online within 2 days before you fly, but not before that, then you'll need to arrange a Covid test for the second day after you get there. You'll need a number off this to put on the passenger locator form so you must arrange it before you go. We've got ones posted to us from this lot, which is cheaper and easier than having to go and get a test.

You'll also need to be able to prove you have had two jabs.
We are going through this right now as we intend to be in England on the 23rd. If you are prepared to hang on a bit longer Boris is going to change things and make then a bit simpler but I don't know exactly when or in what way.
The very best of luck with all this mate.
Going to another country to visit a sick relative is bad enough without all this Covid testing etc sh!t.
Best of luck with it all mate.
Poor chap I hope he's not in pain, the lad up the road from us was given months with stomach
cancer but is still going strong after 18 months, he was in a real bad way they couldnt give him
any treatment. Months on & he has had chemotherapy and the cancer has shrunk by 50%.
Amazing what can happen.
My bro has had both bladder and gut removed.
Two bags to carry around and both orifices sewn up. Yet he is still cheerful. Feck knows why, i sure wouldn't be.
So my fingers are crossed for all peeps who are ill at the mo.
Amazing what can happen.
My bro has had both bladder and gut removed.
Two bags to carry around and both orifices sewn up. Yet he is still cheerful. Feck knows why, i sure wouldn't be.
So my fingers are crossed for all peeps who are ill at the mo.

Bloody hell he's been through the mill :(:(:(:(:(
Some people just smile inside and the happiness shines through. :):)
Bloody hell he's been through the mill :(:(:(:(:(
Some people just smile inside and the happiness shines through. :):)
Considering his wife died the same year he found he had this cancer, I am amazed he hasn't topped himself. I think heis getting great support from his son, and he does have some good mates. But he has always been a very happy easy-going bloke. :):):)

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