Strangely enough we had that too. Tesco special :oops:
Mine wasn't from a box though ;)

When I was in school in the 70's we were told of fusion and that is would revolutionise power in our life time.......
My first job on leaving skool in 1970 was on a nuclear power station construction. Was supposed to produce cheap leccy for the nation. None of the NP's could ever produce cheap leccy, it was (is?) the most expensive ever. Partly because they can't work anywhere near the planned efficiency, partly because they were suffering severe corrosion before they were finished building. The only reason they were built was to convert uranium into weapons grade plutonium. That process creates a huge amount of waste heat, some of which was used to generate leccy for the grid. The whole idea of building the stations to produce cheap leccy was one of the biggest cons of the 20th century.
My first job on leaving skool in 1970 was on a nuclear power station construction. Was supposed to produce cheap leccy for the nation. None of the NP's could ever produce cheap leccy, it was (is?) the most expensive ever. Partly because they can't work anywhere near the planned efficiency, partly because they were suffering severe corrosion before they were finished building. The only reason they were built was to convert uranium into weapons grade plutonium. That process creates a huge amount of waste heat, some of which was used to generate leccy for the grid. The whole idea of building the stations to produce cheap leccy was one of the biggest cons of the 20th century.

Just like Harold Wilson and his 'free' North Sea gas ...

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