Early morning job done - find the right oil and filters for SWMBO and sis in law's cars and got them ordered. Both have the same car and both need an oil change. So thats a job for later this week, along with an oil change on the fender. In the meantime, a couple of hours sanding and painting the garage door frame and that should be enough for today :rolleyes:.
Guid morn
Washing done and hung out as it looks like it'll stay dry
Daughter off to school, 2nd year of High.
Son in his bed, does'nt start Uni until Sept.
Today mm job search, perhaps take the better half out for lunch, gym later.
I did my washing yesterday, so it is ironing today :eek:
Is your job searching like mine........ quick glance over CV library and say 'yep nothing I like' and move on :rolleyes:
Gottid another two wheels cleaned. Tis taking a long time as eye have been cleaning them twice wiv wheel cleaner. Then twice wiv iron oat, which takes oft more contamination. Contanination turns the cleaner purple when it activates. Also been cleaning up the brakes as eye go. Wheels av been polised once. Then two coats of some protecter anorl. Should help keep the brake dust oft thems anorl so hoefully less cleaning int future.
Gottid another two wheels cleaned. Tis taking a long time as eye have been cleaning them twice wiv wheel cleaner. Then twice wiv iron oat, which takes oft more contamination. Contanination turns the cleaner purple when it activates. Also been cleaning up the brakes as eye go. Wheels av been polised once. Then two coats of some protecter anorl. Should help keep the brake dust oft thems anorl so hoefully less cleaning int future.

I am sure the crew would like before and after pics.

A) to see the diff.
B) to prove you actually do anything:D.
C) what is this "Iron Oat" you speak of?

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