[QUOTE="marjon, post: 5193188, member: 14718] Took the Fender. Wow how you can miss the luxuries of the L322/P38. Where's the AC button:eek:. Found it, its the black lever that opens the big flaps on the front:D, They will probably leak now:oops:.


Sell the Tratter then.. You no longer geddit :p
It must be real as that’s where @kevstar went to learn magic
There is no evidence it was man made. In fact all the evidence points to the opposite. If you're interested, there's a pre-publication paper on Zenodo written by a bucketload of highly qualified researchers:


There's a lot of 'apparently ' and 'somebody said' on this subject in ere.
It's here, it ain't quite flu, 150k+ uk deaths so far.
Suggest it's shifted to another fred?
It's a great little saga for kids.
I prefer my Sci-Fi and Fantasy books.
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant is very good.
The "Dune" series is excellent (the new film is due, with decent CGI effects).
Far and away my favourite is the much under-appreciated "Saga of the Exiles" Quadrilogy by Julian May.
Oh dear.
Oh dear, oh dear,
Oh very, very, very dear.
Just cannot get into any of this sort of thing at all.
I know J.K.Rowling is one of the richest women in the world so I am prolly in a minority by not caring a monkey's nuts about her sort of stuff, but there you go.
Fantasy and sci-fi just ain't mah thang!
Each to his/her thing and all that.:):):):):)
You went to boarding school, wot did you do to deserve that.:p I just had a look in the drinks cabinet
mix of everything in there o_O I do wonder where it all came from.:confused::D
I had a mother who fought like mad from a pretty working class background to become a doctor. She succeeded thanks to getting three bursaries and passing her school exams in getting into medical school. No grants in the early 50s.
So she wanted to buy me and my bruv a "better" education.
What she didn't realise was that money didn't buy you better teaching, in fact after prep school, which WAS good my public school was utter sh!te.
I had to teach myself maths A level, the teachers were so awful, One of the chemistry teachers was a JP and spent our practical lessons on the bench, so we didn't even see him, my physics teacher never finished a single part of the syllabus properly, he was so rubbish he put problems on the board and then got them wrong and none of my teachers EVER set a homework or anything that they had to mark. It's a miracle I left with two A levels.
So I fecked about doing different jobs for 4 years before enrolling myself in evening class which led to me getting another A level and then into uni.
If the woman had let me go to grammar school, for which I passed the exam, or the direct grant school my mates went to, my education would have been well different, proper teachers, etc.
So now you know!
It left me with a posh accent and lots of "accomplishments" but not really the basics!
Anyhoo fecken roasting hot today finished at 1pm went to Glasgow to take my alternator from my Evo
to get reconditioned, cost = 140 squids. Went to a Brewers fare at Lomond gate on the way back
2 chicken burgers chips n slaw, fresh orange n lemonade an a glass o wine for the misses = 15 quid.
Was nice too sat oot in the sunshine. :D:D
Then dog to the vet to get her ear re-checked 10 mins 30 quid robbin gits. :(

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